REFERENCE MANUAL FOR SVGACC THE SUPER VGA GRAPHICS LIBRARY FOR USE WITH MICROSOFT COMPATIBLE C/C++ COMPILERS 1993-1995 by Zephyr Software - Stephen L. Balkum and Daniel A. Sill All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from Zephyr Software - Stephen L. Balkum and Daniel A. Sill. Although every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of the material in this book, Zephyr Software, Stephen L. Balkum and Daniel A. Sill assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. In addition no liability is assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Printed in the United States of America Trademarks Sound Blaster and Sound Blaster Pro are trademarks of Creative Labs, Inc. All others are trademarks of their respective owners. ii SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT By using this software, you agree to the terms of this agreement. No warranties are expressed or implied. In no event shall Zephyr Software, Stephen L. Balkum or Daniel A. Sill be held liable for damages resulting from the use or misuse of this product, including but not limited to implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. The shareware version may be freely distributed as long as all files stay together and are not modified in any way. No cost may be charged for the shareware version beyond normal and reasonable copying and distribution expenses. No products developed with this software shall be sold unless this software has been registered with Zephyr Software, Stephen L. Balkum or Daniel A. Sill. At no time for any reason shall this software be reverse engineered, decompiled or disassembled. This software may not be rented or leased. This software may be used only on one terminal or one computer at any one given moment in time. This software may not be installed on a network of any type. Contact Zephyr Software, Stephen L. Balkum or Daniel A. Sill for networking options. United States Government Restricted Rights: Use, duplication or disclosure of this software and documentation by the U.S. Government is subject to the restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. Contractor/manufacturer is Stephen L. Balkum and Daniel A. Sill, P.O. Box 7704, Austin, Texas 78713-7704. The ownership of this software may be transferred as long as Zephyr Software, Stephen L. Balkum or Daniel A. Sill is notified in writing of the transfer date and new owner. The new owner must agree to this contract. The transfer must include all registered updates and previously registered versions. The original owner may not retain any copies in any form of the registered software or its documents. iii INTRODUCTION We spent weeks searching the depths of the internet ftp sites for a library that would allow the programmer full access to the abilities of Super VGA. We wanted the colors VGA could provide and better resolution than EGA could provide. Professionally developed libraries with this ability were definitely out of our price range. After our searches continuously returned nothing, we decided to fill the apparent void in the shareware market. Our searches did give two useful packages: John Bridges' VGAKIT and Finn Thoegersen's VGADOC. We began with these two works and developed a graphics library intended to allow the programmer access to the huge world of high resolution programming. On the surface the task appeared quite simple. However, it quickly became obvious that the routines in this library would be required to affect extremely large amounts of data. Operations must be quick to be successful. Therefore, every effort was made to create the fastest code possible - even at the expense of size. For this reason we opted to write code with the 32 bit instructions of the 80386 and better processors. It is our opinion that anyone with a hi-res card in a lesser machine may have some priorities out of order. All routines are written in assembly and use absolutely no floating point values. Anytime a real number was required, fixed point notation was used. In addition we attempted to write the routines such that any reasonable argument passed can be interpreted intelligently by the library. With the numerous Super VGA cards available and no well established standard we chose John Bridges' identification and bank switching routines as a beginning. These two routines have undergone some modification, but not enough to justify copyrighting this portion of the library's code by Zephyr Software. We have no intentions of releasing our changes to these routines into the public domain. From that point onward all code is original. In some instances common algorithms were researched and original code written according to that algorithm. This Super VGA library gives the programmer transparent access to twenty different Super VGA cards. These cards include Acumos, Ahead, ATI Technologies, Avance, Chips and Technologies, Cirrus Logic, Everex, Genoa, MXIC, NCR, Oak Technologies, Paradise/Western Digital, Primus, Realtek, Trident, Tseng Labs, Video 7 and the VESA standard. Please see the WHICHVGA function for the specific chipsets. The programmer only needs to verify that the end user's card has been identified, but not which card was recognized. After proper identification, all functions react in exactly the same fashion. The library contains functions to draw all of the major primitives. In addition there are functions that modify the screen palette, write text on the screen with a choice of fonts and modify the reaction of the primitives. Identification routines include not only the video 2 card, but also the amount of video memory, type of processor and installed pointing devices. Advanced functions provide full mouse support (when used with a Microsoft compatible driver) and joystick support. Finally, support for two dimensional and three dimensional coordinate systems is provided including rotation, translation, scaling and projection. 3 SUGGESTED METHODS FOR USING THIS LIBRARY VERIFICATION OF A COMPUTER'S HARDWARE It is strongly recommended that any program written with this library first verifies that the computer is a 80386 or better by calling the WHICHCPU function. Many of the library's functions use 386 exclusive code which may cause a computer with a lesser processor to crash. In addition WHICHMOUSE must be called before calling any of the mouse functions. Lastly, it is recommended that WHICHJOYSTICK be called before a program uses the joystick routines. It is required that a program call WHICHVGA prior to any function that communicates with the video card. If WHICHVGA returns a zero for unknown card type, the program should not call any graphics function. Without proper identification of the video card any graphics function will likely cause a system failure. It is recommended, although not necessary, that a program call WHICHMEM prior to calling any RES function. Although the video card was properly identified, it may not have sufficient onboard memory to support the desired resolution. As a second check the RES functions will do nothing if the video card has not been identified or if the video card does not support the specified resolution for memory or hardware reasons. THE 256 COLOR PALETTE The 256 color palette of the Super VGA cards is a six bit palette. Each of the 256 colors of the palette are described by three values representing the intensity of the colors red, blue and green. These values can range from 0 to 63. Anytime a value outside of this range is used, the video card simply ignores the upper two bits. Therefore, 64 is the same as 0. This should be taken into consideration when manipulating the palette or when importing a palette from an external source such as a PCX image. USE OF 2-D AND 3-D FUNCTIONS In the interest of speed, the 2-D and 3-D functions were written to best work on multiple points at once. We refer to these functions as object-oriented. This means that the points defining an object (a box, a house, etc.) should be contained within one array or part of an array and calls to the functions should act on all of the points in the array. Calls to functions have a high speed overhead, therefore, placing more than one object in the same array and passing the entire array to the functions can be beneficial. However, these functions will work on a single point as well. A consequence of our object-oriented 2-D and 3-D functions is the use of the scaling functions. When scaling objects, we recommend the object be defined about the origin. D2SCALE and D3SCALE both work with respect to the origin. This eliminates a significant 4 number of translations that would otherwise be required by having a definable scale origin. For example, to draw two boxes, one scaled by one-half of the other, each rotated by 45 degrees at the center of the screen, the recommended procedure is as follows: define an array BOX containing the 2-D points: (100, 100), (- 100, 100), (-100, -100), (100, -100), (note: the box is centered about the origin.) rotate BOX by 45 degrees about (0, 0) and place the output in RBOX, scale RBOX by 50% (scaling factor would be 128, or 80 hex) and place output in SRBOX, translate RBOX to the center of the screen - a translation of 320, 240 in 640x480 resolution - and place output in TRBOX, translate SRBOX to the center of the screen - same translation as for RBOX - and place output in TSRBOX, draw TRBOX and TSRBOX on the screen. Notice that by defining the box centered about the origin the translation values were extremely intuitive. Also notice that if we had scaled the second box after the translation, it would have been draw in the upper left quadrant of the screen instead of the center. In mathematics and many sciences it is customary that in a 2-D coordinate system the Y axis increases upward and the X axis increases to the right. The computer industry has decided the Y axis should increase downward. The 2-D functions are not affected by the choice in coordinate systems. However, it is important to remember that a positive rotation in D2ROTATE rotates from the positive X axis to the positive Y axis. Therefore, when using mathematical conventions, a positive rotation moves counter-clockwise. On the computer screen a positive rotation moves clockwise. The 3-D coordinate system follows mathematical conventions by using a right-handed coordinate system. The easiest way to visualize this coordinate system is by using your right hand. Place your index finger and thumb at a right angle to one another as if to form an imaginary pistol. Now place your second finger at a right angle to your index finger. It should be at a right angle to your thumb as well. This represents the three axes. The index finger is the X axis, the second finger is the Y axis and the thumb is the Z axis. The easiest way to remember rotation directions in this system is cyclically. A positive rotation about the X axis rotates the Y axis into the Z axis. A positive rotation about the Y axis rotates the Z axis into the X axis. A positive rotation about the Z axis rotates the X axis into the Y axis. After doing all necessary 3-D transformations, projection onto the 2-D computer screen is required. Although the computer screen's coordinate system does not follow mathematical 5 conventions, the D3PROJECT function automatically takes care of all conversions. The programmer only needs to draw the resulting object on the screen with FILLCONVEXPOLY, FILLPOLY or a series of DRWLINEs. THE CONCEPT OF SPRITE GRAPHICS The key to sprite graphics is the assumption that only a small percentage of the pixels in a graphics block are used by the animation and the remaining pixels should be treated as transparent, revealing the background behind the sprite. The sprite routines in this library only act on non-transparent colors, thus, saving time by ignoring a large number of pixels. When retrieving the background for a sprite, prior knowledge of the sprite itself permits obtaining background only where it is necessary. The following steps outline an example of the recommended procedure for using the sprite functions: 1. draw the sprite on the screen - a white stick figure on a black background, for example 2. use BLKGET to place the sprite in an array STICK 3. use SPRITEGAP to simultaneously retrieve the background into BACKSTICK and place STICK on the screen, declaring black as the transparent color 4. use SPRITEPUT to replace the background BACKSTICK in the same location as step 3 5. repeat steps 3 and 4 as many times and in as many locations as desired GLOBAL VARIABLES Access to several global variables provided to the programmer. The most important two variables are MAXX and MAXY. These two values give the current resolution and are set by the RES### functions. They should not be changed directly at any time by the programmer. Doing so may cause erratic results from many of the graphics functions in this library. These variables initially contain 0. Four other variables, VIEWX1, VIEWY1, VIEWX2, VIEWY2, can be accessed by the programmer. They define the current viewport used for clipping purposes. These values, also, should not be changed directly by the programmer. The SETVIEW function should be used to change these values as it performs important error checking. The viewport is defined as the whole screen by the RES### functions. If drawing on more or less than the entire screen is desired, call SETVIEW as necessary. EXTENDED MEMORY SUPPORT With the higher screen resolutions, more memory may be needed for data storage. For this reason extended memory support is 6 provided. Accessing extended memory requires the computer to switch into protected mode. The process of switching into protected mode and returning is handled by the extended memory manager, usually HIMEM.SYS. The switch is relatively slow. Therefore, it should be used as fast storage access since it is much faster than disk access. Extended memory access is also limited by the number of available handles. The limit is controlled by a switch on the extended memory manager's command line and normally defaults to 32. Also, it is imperative that all allocated extended memory blocks be freed before the program terminates. Unfreed memory blocks will be unavailable until the computer is rebooted. CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL All parameters, other than pointers, passed to and from functions and procedures in this graphics library are short (two byte) integers A byte variable type is assumed to be an unsigned character. No floating point values are used. By not using real numbers round-off error can be a concern. Under most circumstances this error will not be a problem and will not be noticed. The use of large numbers in rotations is recommended. No functions in this library allocate memory for the programmer, except, of course, XMSALLOCATE. It is the programmer's responsibility to be sure all pointers reference properly allocated memory of the appropriate size. Whenever a pixel is written on the screen, a mode is required. Unless otherwise noted, there are five possible modes: NO_ACTION, SET, XOR, OR and AND. These modes are represented by the numbers zero through four respectively. NO_ACTION is self- explanatory. Technically, SET is the fastest mode. However, XOR maybe the most useful. XOR'ing a point twice with the same color returns the original color. This can be used to cover and uncover graphics. In addition when a reference to a color index is made, only values between and including 0 and 255 are valid. Any integer will work, but only the lowest eight bits are recognized. 7 BLKGET PROTOTYPE extern int far blkget (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, RasterBlock far *gfxblk) INPUT x1, y1 - top left corner of block x2, y2 - bottom right corner of block OUTPUT BLKGET returns 1 if successful, 0 if failed. gfxblk - retrieved bitmap USAGE BLKGET stores the pixel data contained within the block defined by (x1, y1)-(x2, y2) in the variable referenced by gfxblk. Memory for gfxblk must be allocated as a RasterBlock structure with a data size in bytes equal to [(x2-x1+1)*(y2-y1+1)] plus four bytes for the width and height integers of the RasterBlock structure. Note, however, that gfxblk can be quite large. If the size of gfxblk is insufficient, BLKGET will overwrite any data in memory contained beyond gfxblk and may possibly cause the system to crash. In addition the segmented nature of real mode programming requires that gfxblk be smaller 65536 bytes. For larger blocks, see XMSBLKGET. BLKGET enforces X2 X1 and Y2 Y1. Also, the coordinates must be valid on the screen at the current resolution. SEE ALSO BLKPUT, BLKRESIZE, BLKROTATE, GETLASTSTRING, SPRITEGAP, SPRITEGET, SPRITEPUT, XMSBLKGET, XMSBLKPUT EXAMPLE /* * Places 1/4 of a circle at the center of the screen */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { 8 int vmode; int a,b,c,d; RasterBlock *blkdata; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); res640(); drwcircle(1,10,30,30,20); fillarea(30,30,10,7); a = b = 0; c = d = 30; blkdata = (RasterBlock *)malloc((c-a+1)*(d-b+1)+4); blkget(a,b,c,d,blkdata); blkput(1,320,240,blkdata); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 9 BLKPUT PROTOTYPE extern void far blkput (PixelMode mode, int x, int y, RasterBlock far *gfxblk) INPUT mode - pixel write mode x, y - location for top left corner of block gfxblk - RasterBlock pointer to bitmap OUTPUT no value returned USAGE BLKPUT places the pixel data contained in the variable referenced by gfxblk on the screen. The top, left corner of the block is specified by (X, Y). Any (X, Y) is acceptable and any portion of the block that lies outside of the currently defined viewport will not be drawn. SEE ALSO BLKGET, BLKRESIZE, BLKROTATE, GETLASTSTRING, SPRITEGAP, SPRITEGET, SPRITEPUT, PCXPUT, SETVIEW, XMSBLKGET, XMSBLKPUT EXAMPLE See BLKGET 10 BLKRESIZE PROTOTYPE extern void far blkresize (unsigned newxsize, unsigned newysize, RasterBlock far *sourcegfxblk, RasterBlock far *destgfxblk) INPUT newxsize, newysize - size of resulting bitmap in destgfxblk sourcegfxblk - RasterBlock pointer to source bitmap OUTPUT no value returned destgfxblk - resized bitmap USAGE BLKRESIZE takes the bitmap in sourcegfxblk and scales it up or down according the to values passed in newxsize and newysize. The resulting bitmap is returned in destgfxblk which should already be declared with a size calculated according to the equation in BLKGET. Neither newxsize nor newysize should be zero. SEE ALSO BLKGET, BLKPUT, BLKROTATE EXAMPLE /* * Show blkresize */ #include #include #include #include "svgacc.h" #define randnum(size) (rand() % (int)(size)) void main(void) { int vmode, i, j, colr, x1, y1, x2, y2; RasterBlock *gfxblk1, *gfxblk2; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); i=20000; gfxblk1 = (RasterBlock *)malloc(i); 11 if (!gfxblk1) { restext(); printf("ERROR: Allocating memory for gfxblk1: %d bytes\n",i); exit(1); } gfxblk2 = (RasterBlock *)malloc(i); if (!gfxblk2) { restext(); printf("ERROR: Allocating memory for gfxblk2: %d bytes\n",i); exit(1); } for(i=0;i<=25;i++) { x1 = randnum(50); y1 = randnum(50); x2 = randnum(50); y2 = randnum(50); colr = randnum(16); drwline(1,colr,x1,y1,x2,y2); } x1 = 0; y1 = 0; x2 = 50; y2 = 50; drwbox(1,15,x1,y1,x2,y2); blkget(x1,y1,x2,y2,gfxblk1); x1 = maxx / 2; y1 = maxy / 2; blkresize(50,50,gfxblk1,gfxblk2); blkput(2,x1-(gfxblk2->width)/2,y1-(gfxblk2- >height)/2,gfxblk2); for(i=x2;i<=x2+50;i++) { blkput(2,x1-(gfxblk2->width)/2,y1-(gfxblk2- >height)/2,gfxblk2); blkresize(i,i,gfxblk1,gfxblk2); blkput(2,x1-(gfxblk2->width)/2,y1-(gfxblk2- >height)/2,gfxblk2); sdelay(3); } for(i=x2+50;i>=x2-50;i--) { blkput(2,x1-(gfxblk2->width)/2,y1-(gfxblk2- >height)/2,gfxblk2); blkresize(i,i,gfxblk1,gfxblk2); blkput(2,x1-(gfxblk2->width)/2,y1-(gfxblk2- >height)/2,gfxblk2); sdelay(3); } for(i=x2-50;i<=x2+1;i++) { blkput(2,x1-(gfxblk2->width)/2,y1-(gfxblk2- >height)/2,gfxblk2); blkresize(i,i,gfxblk1,gfxblk2); blkput(2,x1-(gfxblk2->width)/2,y1-(gfxblk2- >height)/2,gfxblk2); 12 sdelay(3); } getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 13 BLKROTATE PROTOTYPE extern int far blkrotate (int ang, int backfill, RasterBlock far *sourcegfxblk, RasterBlock far *destgfxblk) INPUT ang - integer degree to rotate source bitmap backfill - index to color in current palette to fill blank space in destgfxblk sourcegfxblk - RasterBlock pointer to source bitmap OUTPUT BLKROTATE returns 1 if successful, 0 if unsuccessful. destgfxblk - rotated bitmap USAGE BLKROTATE takes the bitmap in sourcegfxblk and rotates by the number of degrees specified in ang. The bitmap rotation algorithm is a three-pass shear technique modified to make efficient use of this library's internal buffers. Blank space around the newly rotated block is filled with the color given by backfill. The resulting bitmap is stored in destgfxblk. The size of destgfxblk should be at least as big as given by BLKROTATESIZE. The function will fail if it calculates that the internal buffers would be overflowed or if the destination array would be larger than 65536 bytes. BLKROTATESIZE should be called first to ensure that buffer integrity is maintained. SEE ALSO BLKGET, BLKPUT, BLKRESIZE, BLKROTATESIZE EXAMPLE /* * Show blkrotate */ #include #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int xinc, yinc, x1, y1, x2, y2, i, j, colr, vmode, cntx, cnty, rot; RasterBlock *gfxblk, *gfxblk2, *spritebkgnd; 14 vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); xinc = maxx/10; yinc = maxy/20; x1 = maxx/2-xinc; y1 = maxy/2-yinc; x2 = maxx/2+xinc; y2 = maxy/2+yinc; i = (x2-x1+1)*(y2-y1+1)+4; gfxblk = (RasterBlock *)malloc(i); if (!gfxblk) { restext(); printf("ERROR: Allocating memory for gfxblk: %d bytes\n",i); exit(1); } colr = 1; for(i=0;i<=maxx/2;i++) { drwcircle(1,colr,maxx/4+i,maxy/2,maxy/5); colr+=1; if(colr>15) colr = 1; } drwbox(1,0,x1,y1,x2,y2); blkget(x1,y1,x2,y2,gfxblk); cntx = (x2-x1) / 2 + x1; cnty = (y2-y1) / 2 + y1; fillarea(x1+2,y1+2,0,0); i = blkrotatesize(45,gfxblk); if ( !i ) { restext(); printf("ERROR: rotated sprite will be to large"); exit(1); } spritebkgnd = (RasterBlock *)malloc(i); if (!spritebkgnd) { restext(); printf("ERROR: Allocating memory for spritebkgnd: %d bytes\n",i); exit(1); } gfxblk2 = (RasterBlock *)malloc(i); if (!gfxblk2) { restext(); printf("ERROR: Allocating memory for gfxblk2: %d bytes\n",i); exit(1); } blkget(x1,y1,x2,y2,spritebkgnd); setview(0,64,maxx,maxy); 15 for(i=0;i<=360;i+=3) { rot = blkrotate(i,1,gfxblk,gfxblk2); spriteput(SET,1,cntx-(spritebkgnd->width)/2,cnty- (spritebkgnd->height)/2,spritebkgnd); spritegap(1,cntx-(gfxblk2->width)/2,cnty-(gfxblk2- >height)/2,gfxblk2,spritebkgnd); sdelay(3); } spriteput(SET,1,cntx-(spritebkgnd->width)/2,cnty- (spritebkgnd->height)/2,spritebkgnd); blkput(SET,x1,y1,(RasterBlock *)gfxblk); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 16 BLKROTATESIZE PROTOTYPE extern int far blkrotatesize (int ang, RasterBlock far *sourcegfxblk) INPUT ang - integer degree to rotate source bitmap sourcegfxblk - RasterBlock pointer to source bitmap OUTPUT BLKROTATESIZE returns the number of bytes needed for the destination array if successful, 0 if unsuccessful. USAGE BLKROTATESIZE takes the bitmap in sourcegfxblk and calculates the required size of the output buffer needed when BLKROTATE is called. It also insures that the internal library buffers are not overflowed. The function will fail if it calculates that the internal buffers would be overflowed or if the destination buffer would be larger than 65536 bytes. BLKROTATESIZE should be called prior to BLKROTATE to insure that buffer integrity is maintained. SEE ALSO BLKGET, BLKPUT, BLKRESIZE, BLKROTATE EXAMPLE See BLKROTATE 17 BYTECOPY PROTOTYPE extern void far bytecopy (void far *src, void far *dst, long numbytes) INPUT src - pointer to array to be copied numbytes - number of bytes to copy from src (<65536) OUTPUT no value returned dst - copy of array USAGE BYTECOPY copies the specified number of bytes from src to dst. It assumes that space for dst has been properly allocated. It is much faster than using a FOR loop or MEMCPY. SEE ALSO PALCOPY EXAMPLE /* * show byte copy */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int i; int test1[10], test2[10]; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { test1[i] = i; } bytecopy(test1,test2,sizeof(test1)); printf("ok...we initialized one array with data, copied that\n"); printf("array to an a new are the results:\n"); printf(" \n"); printf("source array destination array\n"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { printf(" %d %d\n",test1[i],test2[i]); 18 } exit(0); } 19 D2ROTATE PROTOTYPE extern void far d2rotate (int points, int xorigin, int yorigin, int ang, D2Point far *inary, D2Point far *outary) INPUT numpoints - number of points to be rotated xorigin, yorigin - center of rotation angle - angle of rotation about center inary - D2Point pointer to array containing points to rotate OUTPUT no value returned outary - D2Point array of rotated values USAGE D2ROTATE takes the two dimensional points given in inary and rotates them by the specified angle about xorigin, yorigin. The results are returned in outary which can be the same as inary. A positive angle causes a clockwise rotation on the screen, from the positive X axis to the positive Y axis. The function assumes space for outary has been properly allocated. SEE ALSO D2SCALE, D2TRANSLATE EXAMPLE /* * shows d2rotate works */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" D2Point tri[3]; D2Point trio[3]; D2Point tri2[3]; void drwtri(void); void ertri(void); void main(void) { int vmode,i; vmode = videomodeget(); 20 if (!whichvga()) exit(1); if (whichmem()<512) exit(1); res640(); trio[0].x = 0; trio[0].y = 0; trio[1].x = -80; trio[1].y = 60; trio[2].x = 80; trio[2].y = 60; drwtri(); for(i=0;i<=360;i+=2) { d2rotate(3,0,0,i,trio,tri); drwtri(); sdelay(2); ertri(); } drwtri(); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } void drwtri(void) { d2translate(3,320,240,tri,tri2); drwline(1,10,tri2[0].x,tri2[0].y,tri2[1].x,tri2[1].y); drwline(1,10,tri2[1].x,tri2[1].y,tri2[2].x,tri2[2].y); drwline(1,10,tri2[2].x,tri2[2].y,tri2[0].x,tri2[0].y); return; } void ertri(void) { d2translate(3,320,240,tri,tri2); drwline(1,0,tri2[0].x,tri2[0].y,tri2[1].x,tri2[1].y); drwline(1,0,tri2[1].x,tri2[1].y,tri2[2].x,tri2[2].y); drwline(1,0,tri2[2].x,tri2[2].y,tri2[0].x,tri2[0].y); return; } 21 D2SCALE PROTOTYPE extern void far d2scale (int points, int scalex, int scaley, D2Point far *inary, D2Point far *outary) INPUT numpoints - number of points to scale scalex - scale factor along X axis scaley - scale factor along Y axis inary - D2Point pointer to array containing points to scale OUTPUT no value returned outary - D2Point array of scaled values USAGE D2SCALE multiplies each coordinate in the two dimensional array inary by the corresponding scale factor scalex or scaley. The results are stored in outary which can be the same as inary. A scale factor of 256 (100 hex) is considered 100 percent and results in no change. Therefore, 128 (80 hex) reduces values by one half and 512 (200 hex) doubles values. The function assumes space for outary has been properly allocated. SEE ALSO D2ROTATE, D2TRANSLATE EXAMPLE /* * shows d2scale works */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" D2Point tri[3]; D2Point trio[3]; D2Point tri2[3]; void drwtri(void); void ertri(void); void main(void) { int vmode,i; 22 vmode = videomodeget(); if (!whichvga()) exit(1); if (whichmem()<512) exit(1); res640(); trio[0].x = 0; trio[0].y = 0; trio[1].x = -80; trio[1].y = 60; trio[2].x = 80; trio[2].y = 60; drwtri(); for(i=256;i<=512;i+=4) { d2scale(3,i,i,trio,tri); drwtri(); sdelay(2); ertri(); } for(i=512;i>=128;i-=4) { d2scale(3,i,i,trio,tri); drwtri(); sdelay(2); ertri(); } for(i=128;i<=256;i+=4) { d2scale(3,i,i,trio,tri); drwtri(); sdelay(2); ertri(); } drwtri(); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } void drwtri(void) { d2translate(3,320,240,tri,tri2); drwline(1,10,tri2[0].x,tri2[0].y,tri2[1].x,tri2[1].y); drwline(1,10,tri2[1].x,tri2[1].y,tri2[2].x,tri2[2].y); drwline(1,10,tri2[2].x,tri2[2].y,tri2[0].x,tri2[0].y); return; } void ertri(void) { d2translate(3,320,240,tri,tri2); drwline(1,0,tri2[0].x,tri2[0].y,tri2[1].x,tri2[1].y); 23 drwline(1,0,tri2[1].x,tri2[1].y,tri2[2].x,tri2[2].y); drwline(1,0,tri2[2].x,tri2[2].y,tri2[0].x,tri2[0].y); return; } 24 D2TRANSLATE PROTOTYPE extern void far d2translate (int points, int xtrans, int ytrans, D2Point far *inary, D2Point far *outary) INPUT numpoints - number of points to be translated xtrans - distance to translate along X axis ytrans - distance to translate along Y axis inary - D2Point pointer to array containing points to translate OUTPUT no value returned outary - D2Point array of translated values USAGE D2TRANSLATE takes the two dimensional points given in inary and translates them by the specified number of pixels along each axis. The results are returned in outary which can be the same as inary. The function assumes that space for outary has been properly allocated. SEE ALSO D2ROTATE, D2SCALE EXAMPLE /* * shows d2translate works */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" D2Point tri[3]; D2Point trio[3]; D2Point tri2[3]; void drwtri(void); void ertri(void); void main(void) { int vmode,i; vmode = videomodeget(); 25 if (!whichvga()) exit(1); if (whichmem()<512) exit(1); res640(); trio[0].x = 0; trio[0].y = 0; trio[1].x = -80; trio[1].y = 60; trio[2].x = 80; trio[2].y = 60; drwtri(); for(i=0;i<=100;i+=4) { d2translate(3,i,i,trio,tri); drwtri(); sdelay(2); ertri(); } for(i=100;i>=0;i-=4) { d2translate(3,i,i,trio,tri); drwtri(); sdelay(2); ertri(); } drwtri(); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } void drwtri(void) { d2translate(3,320,240,tri,tri2); drwline(1,10,tri2[0].x,tri2[0].y,tri2[1].x,tri2[1].y); drwline(1,10,tri2[1].x,tri2[1].y,tri2[2].x,tri2[2].y); drwline(1,10,tri2[2].x,tri2[2].y,tri2[0].x,tri2[0].y); return; } void ertri(void) { d2translate(3,320,240,tri,tri2); drwline(1,0,tri2[0].x,tri2[0].y,tri2[1].x,tri2[1].y); drwline(1,0,tri2[1].x,tri2[1].y,tri2[2].x,tri2[2].y); drwline(1,0,tri2[2].x,tri2[2].y,tri2[0].x,tri2[0].y); return; } 26 D3PROJECT PROTOTYPE extern int far d3project (int points, ProjParameters far *params, D3Point far *inary, D2Point far *outary) INPUT numpoints - number of points to be projected params - pointer to ProjParameters structure containing parameters used in projection eyex, eyey, eyez - 3D location of viewer scrd - distance from viewer to projection screen theta - angle from positive 3D X axis to viewing direction phi - angle from positive 3D Z axis to viewing direction inary - D3Point pointer to array containing points to project OUTPUT Returns 1 if successful, 0 if any one point failed. outary - D2Point array of projected values USAGE +Z axis | /\ | / \ | ! \ * \ | !......X: / | ! Phi / \/ | ! / : | ! / : | ! / : | EyeX ! /ScrD : | EyeY !/ : | EyeZ *- - - -:- - - - - | / ` : | / ` : | / ` : | / ---` : | /___---- | / Theta | |_____________________________+Y axis / / / / / / / +X axis 27 D3PROJECT projects a specified number, numpoints, of three dimensional points starting at inary into two dimensions according to the parameters in params. The two dimensional points are stored in outary. The function assumes space for outary has been properly allocated. The location of the viewer in this three dimensional space is given by eyex, eyey, eyez in the ProjParameters structure. The direction the viewer is facing is specified with scrd, theta, phi in the ProjParameters structure using spherical coordinates. A virtual set of axes parallel to the true axes are placed at the viewer's location. scrd is the distance from the viewer to the center of the projection screen, i.e. the currently defined viewport on the monitor's screen. Theta is the angle in the virtual X-Y plane from the virtual X axis to the projection screen. Positive angles rotate counter-clockwise in the X-Y plane. Lastly, the angle of elevation above or below the virtual X-Y plane is given by phi. Positive angles direct viewing above the plane; negative below. If a point is projected to a location behind the viewer, i.e. on the side of the viewer opposite the projection screen, D3PROJECT returns a zero indicating one or more failed points. The returned values of the X and Y for failed points will be - 32768 to make them easily identified. SEE ALSO D3ROTATE, D3TRANSLATE, D3SCALE, FILLCONVEXPOLY, SETVIEW EXAMPLE /* shows d3project works */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" D2Point plot[8]; void drwcube(void); void main(void) { int vmode,i,dummy; ProjParameters proj; D3Point cube[8] = { { 100,-100, 100}, { 100,-100,-100}, { 100, 100,-100}, { 100, 100, 100}, {-100,-100, 100}, {-100,-100,-100}, {-100, 100,-100}, {-100, 100, 100}}; vmode = videomodeget(); if (!whichvga()) 28 exit(1); if (whichmem()<512) exit(1); res640(); proj.eyex = -1040; proj.eyey = -600; proj.eyez = -1200; proj.scrd = 1700; proj.theta = 30; proj.phi = 45; dummy = d3project(8,&proj,cube,plot); drwcube(); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); } void drwcube(void) { int i; for(i=0;i<=2;i++) drwline(1,10,plot[i].x,plot[i].y,plot[i+1].x,plot[i+1].y); drwline(1,10,plot[3].x,plot[3].y,plot[0].x,plot[0].y); for(i=4;i<=6;i++) drwline(1,10,plot[i].x,plot[i].y,plot[i+1].x,plot[i+1].y); drwline(1,10,plot[7].x,plot[7].y,plot[4].x,plot[4].y); for(i=0;i<=3;i++) drwline(1,10,plot[i].x,plot[i].y,plot[i+4].x,plot[i+4].y); return; } 29 D3ROTATE PROTOTYPE extern void far d3rotate (int points, int xorigin, int yorigin, int zorigin, int zrang, int yrang, int xrang, D3Point far *inary, D3Point far *outary) INPUT numpoints - number of points to be rotated xorigin, yorigin, zorigin - center of rotation zrang - angle of rotation about the Z axis yrang - angle of rotation about the Y axis xrang - angle of rotation about the X axis inary - D3Point pointer to array containing points to rotate OUTPUT no value returned outary - D3Point array of rotated values USAGE D3ROTATE takes the three dimensional points given in inary and rotates them by the specified angles about xorigin, yorigin, zorigin. The results are returned in outary which can be the same as inary. A virtual set of axes are placed at the origin of rotation and rotation takes place about these axes. A positive angle causes a counter-clockwise rotation from the positive X axis to the positive Y axis. The function assumes space for outary has been properly allocated. SEE ALSO D3PROJECT, D3SCALE, D3TRANSLATE EXAMPLE /* * shows d3rotate works */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" D2Point plot[8]; void drwcube(void); void main(void) { int vmode,i,dummy; 30 ProjParameters proj; D3Point rcube[8]; D3Point cube[8] = { { 100,-100, 100}, { 100,-100,-100}, { 100, 100,-100}, { 100, 100, 100}, {-100,-100, 100}, {-100,-100,-100}, {-100, 100,-100}, {-100, 100, 100}}; vmode = videomodeget(); if (!whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); res640(); proj.eyex = -1040; proj.eyey = -600; proj.eyez = -1200; proj.scrd = 1700; proj.theta = 30; proj.phi = 45; for(i=0;i<=360;i+=2) { d3rotate(8,0,0,0,i,i,i,cube,rcube); dummy = d3project(8,&proj,rcube,plot); drwcube(); sdelay(2); drwcube(); } drwcube(); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); } void drwcube(void) { int j; for(j=0;j<=2;j++) drwline(2,10,plot[j].x,plot[j].y,plot[j+1].x,plot[j+1].y); drwline(2,10,plot[3].x,plot[3].y,plot[0].x,plot[0].y); for(j=4;j<=6;j++) drwline(2,10,plot[j].x,plot[j].y,plot[j+1].x,plot[j+1].y); drwline(2,10,plot[7].x,plot[7].y,plot[4].x,plot[4].y); for(j=0;j<=3;j++) 31 drwline(2,10,plot[j].x,plot[j].y,plot[j+4].x,plot[j+4].y); return; } 32 D3SCALE PROTOTYPE extern void far d3scale (int points, int xscale, int yscale, int zscale, D3Point far *inary, D3Point far *outary) INPUT numpoints - number of points to scale xscale - scale factor along X axis yscale - scale factor along Y axis zscale - scale factor along Z axis inary - D3Point pointer to array containing points to scale OUTPUT no value returned outary - D3Point array of scaled values USAGE D3SCALE multiplies each coordinate in the three dimensional array inary by the corresponding scale factor xscale, yscale or zscale. The results are stored in outary which can be the same as inary. A scale factor of 256 (100 hex) is considered 100 percent and results in no change. Therefore, 128 (80 hex) reduces values by one half and 512 (200 hex) doubles values. The function assumes space for outary has been properly allocated. SEE ALSO D3PROJECT, D3ROTATE, D3TRANSLATE EXAMPLE /* * shows d3scale works */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" D2Point plot[8]; void drwcube(void); void main(void) { int vmode,i,dummy; ProjParameters proj; D3Point scube[8]; 33 D3Point cube[8] = { { 100,-100, 100}, { 100,-100,-100}, { 100, 100,-100}, { 100, 100, 100}, {-100,-100, 100}, {-100,-100,-100}, {-100, 100,-100}, {-100, 100, 100}}; vmode = videomodeget(); if (!whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); res640(); proj.eyex = -1040; proj.eyey = -600; proj.eyez = -1200; proj.scrd = 1700; proj.theta = 30; proj.phi = 45; for(i=256;i>=128;i-=4) { d3scale(8,i,i,i,cube,scube); dummy = d3project(8,&proj,scube,plot); drwcube(); sdelay(2); drwcube(); } for(i=132;i<=256;i+=4) { d3scale(8,i,i,i,cube,scube); dummy = d3project(8,&proj,scube,plot); drwcube(); sdelay(2); drwcube(); } drwcube(); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); } void drwcube(void) { int j; for(j=0;j<=2;j++) drwline(2,10,plot[j].x,plot[j].y,plot[j+1].x,plot[j+1].y); drwline(2,10,plot[3].x,plot[3].y,plot[0].x,plot[0].y); for(j=4;j<=6;j++) drwline(2,10,plot[j].x,plot[j].y,plot[j+1].x,plot[j+1].y); 34 drwline(2,10,plot[7].x,plot[7].y,plot[4].x,plot[4].y); for(j=0;j<=3;j++) drwline(2,10,plot[j].x,plot[j].y,plot[j+4].x,plot[j+4].y); return; } 35 D3TRANSLATE PROTOTYPE extern void far d3translate (int points, int xtrans, int ytrans, int ztrans, D3Point far *inary, D3Point far *outary) INPUT numpoints - number of points to translate xtrans - distance to translate along X axis ytrans - distance to translate along Y axis ztrans - distance to translate along Z axis inary - D3Point pointer to array containing points to translate OUTPUT no value returned outary - D3Point array of translated points USAGE D3TRANSLATE takes the three dimensional points given in inary and translates them by the specified number of pixels along each axis. The results are returned in outary which can be the same as inary. The function assumes space for outary has been properly allocated. SEE ALSO D3PROJECT, D3ROTATE, D3SCALE EXAMPLE /* * shows d3translate works */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" D2Point plot[8]; void drwcube(void); void main(void) { int vmode,i,dummy; ProjParameters proj; D3Point tcube[8]; D3Point cube[8] = { { 100,-100, 100}, { 100,-100,-100}, 36 { 100, 100,-100}, { 100, 100, 100}, {-100,-100, 100}, {-100,-100,-100}, {-100, 100,-100}, {-100, 100, 100}}; vmode = videomodeget(); if (!whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); res640(); proj.eyex = -1040; proj.eyey = -600; proj.eyez = -1200; proj.scrd = 1700; proj.theta = 30; proj.phi = 45; for(i=0;i<=400;i+=8) { d3translate(8,i,i,i,cube,tcube); dummy = d3project(8,&proj,tcube,plot); drwcube(); sdelay(2); drwcube(); } for(i=400;i>=0;i-=8) { d3translate(8,i,i,i,cube,tcube); dummy = d3project(8,&proj,tcube,plot); drwcube(); sdelay(2); drwcube(); } drwcube(); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); } void drwcube(void) { int j; for(j=0;j<=2;j++) drwline(2,10,plot[j].x,plot[j].y,plot[j+1].x,plot[j+1].y); drwline(2,10,plot[3].x,plot[3].y,plot[0].x,plot[0].y); for(j=4;j<=6;j++) drwline(2,10,plot[j].x,plot[j].y,plot[j+1].x,plot[j+1].y); drwline(2,10,plot[7].x,plot[7].y,plot[4].x,plot[4].y); 37 for(j=0;j<=3;j++) drwline(2,10,plot[j].x,plot[j].y,plot[j+4].x,plot[j+4].y); return; } 38 DRWALINE PROTOTYPE extern void far drwaline (colrbits, int colr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) INPUT colrbits - number of bits of color colr - index to color in current palette x1, y1 - location of one endpoint of line x2, y2 - location of other endpoint of line OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWALINE draws an antialiased line of the specified color using with endpoints located at (x1, y1) and (x2,y2). Antialiased lines trick the eye into seeing true vector lines instead of a jagged series of individual pixels. This is accomplished by drawing two pixels of the same color but with different intensities (brightness) for each pixel drawn by DRWALINE. The eye averages the pixels and sees only a straight line. Note that the palette must be set up with the correct color entries for the line to look correct. All values of x1, y1, x2 and y2 are valid. Any portion of the line that lies outside of the currently defined viewport will not be drawn. Colrbits should be a number in the range of 0 to 6 specifying the number of shades of color in the palette (20 =1 is one color shade; 26=64 is 64 shades of color). These shades should be contiguous in the palette from index colr to index (colr + 2colrbits - 1) starting with the full desired brightness. The best compromise of detail versus palette entries is about 3 (23=8 is 8 shades, or palette entries, of color). SEE ALSO DRWLINE, DRWBOX, SETVIEW EXAMPLE /* * Draws some normal and antialiased lines */ #include #include #include #include "svgacc.h" 39 void main(void) { int i,y,ya,yb,ofst,coloroffset,intsbits,numlevels,dummy; PaletteData pal; if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); /* set up the palette */ intsbits=2; numlevels=pow(2,intsbits); coloroffset=16; palget(pal,0,255); for (i=0;i #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); drwbox (1,10,0,0,639,479); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); 41 exit(0); } 42 DRWCIRARC PROTOTYPE extern void far drwcirarc (PixelMode mode, int colr, int xcenter, int ycenter, int radius, long startang, endaang) INPUT mode - pixel write mode (SET=1, XOR=2, OR=3, AND=4) colr - index to color in current palette xcenter, ycenter - location of center of circle radius - distance from center to edge of circle startang, endang - start and end angles in degrees OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWCIRARC draws a circular arc of the specified color and mode with the center located at (xcenter, ycenter), radius of radius, starting at the angle specified by startang and ending at the angle specified by endang. All values of xcenter, ycenter, radius, startang, and endang are valid. However, startang must be less than endang. Any portion of the arc that lies outside of the currently defined viewport will not be drawn. SEE ALSO DRWCIRCLE, DRWELLARC EXAMPLE /* * draws some circular arcs */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int i,r,sang; if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); for(i=0;i<=60;i++) 43 { r=i*5; sang=i*6; drwcirarc (SET,10,maxx/2,maxy/2,r,sang,360); } getch(); restext(); exit(0); } 44 DRWCIRCLE PROTOTYPE extern void far drwcircle (PixelMode mode, int colr, int xcenter, int ycenter, int radius) INPUT mode - pixel write mode colr - index to color in current palette xcenter, ycenter - location of center of circle radius - distance from center to edge of circle OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWCIRCLE draws a circle of the specified color using mode with the center located at (xcenter, ycenter) and a radius of radius. All values of xcenter, ycenter and radius are valid. Any portion of the circle that lies outside of the currently defined viewport will not be drawn. SEE ALSO DRWCIRARC, DRWELLIPSE, DRWFILLCIRCLE, SETVIEW EXAMPLE /* * Places a circle at the center of the screen */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); drwcircle (1,10,320,240,200); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); 45 } 46 DRWCUBICBEZIER PROTOTYPE extern void far drwcubicbezier (PixelMode mode, int colr, D2Point far* pon1, D2Point far* poff1, D2Point far* poff2, D2Point far* pon2) INPUT mode - pixel write mode (SET=1, XOR=2, OR=3, AND=4) colr - index to color in current palette pon1 - D2Point pointer to the start point poff1 - D2Point pointer to the first control point poff2 - D2Point pointer to the second control point pon2 - D2Point pointer to the end point OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWCUBICBEZIER draws a standard cubic Bezier curve connecting the points pon1 and pon2 using the specified mode and color. The off-curve control points are poff1 and poff2. A technical description of cubic Bezier curves is beyond the scope of this manual. However, most advanced computer graphics texts contain discussions on this topic. SEE ALSO DRWCIRARC, DRWELLARC EXAMPLE /* * Places cubic bezier curve at the center of the screen */ #include #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { D2Point work[4] = { {260, 240}, {310, 360}, {330, 120}, {380, 240} }; if(!whichvga()) { printf("no id vga\n"); exit(1); } res640(); 47 drwcircle(SET,12,work[0].x,work[0].y,2); drwcircle(SET,12,work[1].x,work[1].y,2); drwcircle(SET,12,work[2].x,work[2].y,2); drwcircle(SET,12,work[3].x,work[3].y,2); drwcubicbezier(SET,15,&work[0],&work[1],&work[2],&work[3]); while(!kbhit()); getch(); restext(); } 48 DRWELLARC PROTOTYPE extern void far drwellarc (PixelMode mode, int colr, int xcenter, int ycenter, int radiusx, int radiusy, long startang, long endaang) INPUT mode - pixel write mode (SET=1, XOR=2, OR=3, AND=4) color - index to color in current palette xcenter, ycenter - location of center of ellipse radiusx - radius parallel to X axis radiusy - radius parallel to Y axis startang, endang - start and end angles in degrees OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWELLARC draws an elliptical arc of the specified color and mode with the center located at (xcenter, ycenter). The radius in the horizontal direction is raduisx and the radius in the vertical direction is radiusy. The starting angle is specified by startang and ends at the angle specified by endang. All values of xcenter, ycenter, radiusx, radiusy, startang and endang are valid. However, startang must be less than endang. Any portion of the arc that lies outside of the currently defined viewport will not be drawn. SEE ALSO DRWCIRARC, DRWELLIPSE EXAMPLE /* * draws some ellipital arcs */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int i,rx,ry,sang; if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) 49 exit(1); for(i=0;i<=60;i++) { rx=i*5; ry=i*3; sang=i*6; drwellarc (SET,10,maxx/2,maxy/2,rx,ry,sang,360); } getch(); restext(); exit(0); } 50 DRWELLIPSE PROTOTYPE extern void far drwellipse (PixelMode mode, int colr, int xcenter, int ycenter, int radiusx, int radiusy) INPUT mode - pixel write mode colr - index to color in current palette xcenter, ycenter - location of center of ellipse radiusx - radius parallel to X axis radiusy - radius parallel to Y axis OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWELLIPSE draws an ellipse of the specified color using mode with the center defined by (xcenter, ycenter). The radius in the horizontal direction is raduisx and the radius in the vertical direction is radiusy. All values of xcenter, ycenter, radiusx and radiusy are valid. Any portion of the ellipse that lies outside of the currently defined viewport will not be drawn. SEE ALSO DRWCIRCLE, DRWELLARC, DRWFILLELLIPSE, SETVIEW EXAMPLE /* * Places an ellipse at the center of the screen */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); drwellipse (1,10,320,240,318,238); 51 getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 52 DRWFILLBOX PROTOTYPE extern void far drwfillbox (PixelMode mode, int colr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) INPUT mode - pixel write mode colr - index to color in current palette x1, y1 - location of top left corner x2, y2 - location of bottom right corner OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWFILLBOX draws a solid rectangle with the specified color using mode with opposite vertices defined by (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). The vertices given do not need to be exactly the top left and bottom right. They only have to reference opposite vertices of the rectangle. Any portion of the rectangle that lies outside of the currently defined viewport will not be drawn. SEE ALSO DRWBOX, DRWLINE, FILLCONVEXPOLY, FILLPOLY, SETVIEW EXAMPLE /* * Places a filled box in the center of the screen */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); drwfillbox (1,10,270,190,370,290); getch(); 53 videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 54 DRWFILLCIRCLE PROTOTYPE extern void far drwfillcircle (PixelMode mode, int colr, int xcenter, int ycenter, int radius) INPUT mode - pixel write mode colr - index to color in current palette xcenter, ycenter - location of center of circle radius - distance from center to edge of circle OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWFILLCIRCLE draws a solid circle of the specified color using mode with the center located at (xcenter, ycenter) and a radius of radius. All values of xcenter, ycenter and radius are valid. Any portion of the circle that lies outside of the currently defined viewport will not be drawn. SEE ALSO DRWCIRCLE, SETVIEW EXAMPLE /* * Places a filled circle at the center of the screen */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); drwfillcircle (1,10,320,240,100); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); 55 } 56 DRWFILLELLIPSE PROTOTYPE extern void far drwfillellipse (PixelMode mode, int colr, int xcenter, int ycenter, int radiusx, int radiusy) INPUT mode - pixel write mode colr - index to color in current palette xcenter, ycenter - location of center of ellipse radiusx - radius parallel to X axis radiusy - radius parallel to Y axis OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWFILLELLIPSE draws an ellipse of the specified color using mode with the center defined by (xcenter, ycenter). The radius in the horizontal direction is raduisx and the radius in the vertical direction is radiusy. All values of xcenter, ycenter, radiusx and radiusy are valid. Any portion of the ellipse that lies outside of the currently defined viewport will not be drawn. SEE ALSO DRWELLIPSE, SETVIEW EXAMPLE /* * Places a filled ellipse at the center of the screen */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); drwfillellipse (1,10,320,240,218,138); 57 getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 58 DRWLINE PROTOTYPE extern void far drwline (PixelMode mode, int colr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) INPUT mode - pixel write mode colr - index to color in current palette x1, y1 - location of one endpoint of line x2, y2 - location of other endpoint of line OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWLINE draws a line of the specified color using mode with endpoints located at (x1, y1) And (x2, y2). All values of x1, y1, x2 and y2 are valid. Any portion of the line that lies outside of the currently defined viewport will not be drawn. SEE ALSO DRWALINE, DRWBOX, SETVIEW EXAMPLE /* * Draws a line from 0,0 to the center of the screen */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); drwline (1,10,0,0,320,240); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 59 DRWPOINT PROTOTYPE extern void far drwpoint (PixelMode mode, int colr, int x, int y) INPUT mode - pixel write mode colr - index to color in current palette x, y - location of pixel to write OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWPOINT draws a single point of the specified color using mode at (x, y). All values of x and y are valid. If the point (x, y) lies outside of the currently defined viewport, no drawing will take place. SEE ALSO GETPOINT, SETVIEW EXAMPLE /* * Draws a point at the center of the screen */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); drwpoint (1,10,320,240); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 60 DRWSTRING PROTOTYPE extern void far drwstring (PixelMode mode, int fcolr, int bcolr, const char far *strng, int x, int y) INPUT mode - pixel write mode fcolr - foreground index to color in current palette bcolr - background index to color in current palette strng - char pointer to string of ASCII characters to be drawn x, y - location of upper, left corner of block OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWSTRING takes the null terminated ASCII characters beginning at strng and creates a graphics block similar to the blocks used by blkget and blkput and places this block on the screen at the specified coordinates. The characters are drawn with color fcolr using the current font and the background is color bcolr. When mode 0, NO_ACTION, is used, the graphics block is created in memory, retrievable by GETLASTSTRING, but no text is actually drawn on the screen. (Note: the system font is automatically installed when WHICHVGA is called.) SEE ALSO FONTSET, FONTGETINFO, FONTSYSTEM, DRWSTRINGDN, DRWSTRINGLT, DRWSTRINGRT, GETLASTSTRING EXAMPLE /* * Draws some normal text at the center of the screen */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; char text[]="hello world"; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); res640(); 61 drwstring(1,10,0,text,320,240); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 62 DRWSTRINGDN PROTOTYPE extern void far drwstringdn (PixelMode mode, int fcolr, int bcolr, const char far *strng, int x, int y) INPUT mode - pixel write mode fcolr - foreground index to color in current palette bcolr - background index to color in current palette strng - char pointer to string of ASCII characters to be drawn x, y - location of lower, right corner of block OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWSTRINGDN takes the null terminated ASCII characters beginning at strng and creates a graphics block similar to the blocks used by BLKGET and BLKPUT. The characters are drawn with color fcolr using the current font and the background is color bcolr. When mode 0, NO_ACTION, is used, the graphics block is created in memory retrievable by GETLASTSTRING, but no text is actually drawn on the screen. (Note: the system font is automatically installed when WHICHVGA is called.) The text is drawn upside down with x, y specifying the lower, right corner. This corner corresponds to the upper, left corner when the text is oriented upright. SEE ALSO FONTSET, FONTGETINFO, FONTSYSTEM, DRWSTRING, DRWSTRINGLT, DRWSTRINGRT, GETLASTSTRING EXAMPLE /* Draws some text rotated by 180 degrees at the center of the screen */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; char text[]="hello world"; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); 63 res640(); drwstringdn(1,10,0,text,320,240); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 64 DRWSTRINGLT PROTOTYPE extern void far drwstringlt (PixelMode mode, int fcolr, int bcolr, const char far *strng, int x, int y) INPUT mode - pixel write mode fcolr - foreground index to color in current palette bcolr - background index to color in current palette strng - char pointer to string of ASCII characters to be drawn x, y - location of lower, left corner of block OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWSTRINGLT takes the null terminated ASCII characters beginning at strng and creates a graphics block similar to the blocks used by BLKGET and BLKPUT. The characters are drawn with color fcolr using the current font and the background is color bcolr. When mode 0, NO_ACTION, is used, the graphics block is created in memory retrievable by GETLASTSTRING, but no text is actually drawn on the screen. (Note: the system font is automatically installed when WHICHVGA is called.) The text block is rotated 90 to the left with x, y specifying the lower, left corner. This corner corresponds to the upper, left corner when the text is oriented upright. SEE ALSO FONTSET, FONTGETINFO, FONTSYSTEM, DRWSTRING, DRWSTRINGDN, DRWSTRINGRT, GETLASTSTRING EXAMPLE /* Draws some text rotated 90 degrees to the left at center of screen */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; char text[]="hello world"; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); 65 res640(); drwstringlt(1,10,0,text,320,240); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 66 DRWSTRINGRT PROTOTYPE extern void far drwstringrt (PixelMode mode, int fcolr, int bcolr, const char far *strng, int x, int y) INPUT mode - pixel write mode fcolr - foreground index to color in current palette bcolr - background index to color in current palette strng - char pointer to string of ASCII characters to be drawn x, y - location of upper, right corner of block OUTPUT no value returned USAGE DRWSTRINGRT takes the null terminated ASCII characters beginning at strng and creates a graphics block similar to the blocks used by BLKGET and BLKPUT. The characters are drawn with color fcolr using the current font and the background is color bcolr. When mode 0, NO_ACTION, is used, the graphics block is created in memory retrievable by GETLASTSTRING, but no text is actually drawn on the screen. (Note: the system font is automatically installed when WHICHVGA is called.) The text block is rotated 90 to the right with x, y specifying the upper, right corner. This corner corresponds to the upper, left corner if the text is oriented upright. SEE ALSO FONTSET, FONTGETINFO, FONTSYSTEM, DRWSTRING, DRWSTRINGDN, DRWSTRINGLT, GETLASTSTRING EXAMPLE /* Draws text rotated 90 degrees to the right at center of screen */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; char text[]="hello world"; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); 67 res640(); drwstringrt(1,10,0,text,320,240); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 68 FILLAREA PROTOTYPE extern void far fillarea (int xseed, int yseed, int bordercolr, int fillcolr) INPUT xseed, yseed - seed location to start fill bordercolr - index to color in current palette at which filling stops fillcolr - index to color in current palette to fill within the border OUTPUT no value returned USAGE FILLAREA fills a region with a new color specified by fillcolr. The region is defined by any line or curve of the color bordercolr or fillcolr or by the edge of the viewport. All graphics within the region are lost and covered with the fillcolr. The border is not effected. SEE ALSO DRWFILLBOX, DRWFILLCIRCLE, DRWFILLELLIPSE, FILLCOLOR, FILLCONVEXPOLY, FILLPOLY, FILLPAGE, FILLSCREEN, FILLVIEW, SETVIEW EXAMPLE /* * fills a box with some color */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); drwbox(1,10,0,0,100,100); 69 fillarea(1,1,10,7); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 70 FILLCOLOR PROTOTYPE extern void far fillcolor (int xseed, int yseed, int oldcolr, int newcolr) INPUT xseed, yseed - seed location to start fill oldcolr - index to color in current palette to change newcolr - index to color in current palette to replace oldcolr OUTPUT no value returned USAGE FILLCOLOR replaces every existence of oldcolr with newcolr within a region. The region is defined as any pixel of oldcolr which has a path of pixels of oldcolr or newcolr with sides touching back to the seed point, (xseed, yseed). Therefore, only pixels of oldcolr are modified and no other information is changed. SEE ALSO DRWFILLBOX, DRWFILLCIRCLE, DRWFILLELLIPSE, FILLAREA, FILLCONVEXPOLY, FILLPOLY, FILLPAGE, FILLSCREEN, FILLVIEW, SETVIEW EXAMPLE /* * replaces the black color with a new color */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); drwbox(1,10,0,0,100,100); drwbox(1,12,20,20,80,80); 71 fillcolor(1,1,0,7); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 72 FILLCONVEXPOLY PROTOTYPE extern void far fillconvexpoly (int polycolr, int numpoints, D2Point far* pointarray) INPUT polycolor - index to color in current palette numpoints - number of points in PointArray pointarray - D2Point pointer to array containing polygon points OUTPUT no value returned USAGE FILLCONVEXPOLY draws a solid polygon outlined by the points given in pointarray. The points are expected to be consecutive and the resulting polygon should be convex (ie. the polygon should not curve in on itself like a kidney bean). The function also assumes that the last point in the array connects to the first. SEE ALSO D3PROJECT, DRWFILLBOX, FILLAREA, FILLCOLOR, FILLPAGE, FILLPOLY, FILLSCREEN, FILLVIEW EXAMPLE /* * Show fillconvexpoly */ #include #include #include #include "svgacc.h" #define randnum(size) (rand() % (int)(size)) D2Point tri[3]; void main(void) { int vmode,colr,i; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) 73 exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); for(i=0;i<99;i++) { tri[0].x = randnum(maxx); tri[0].y = randnum(maxy); tri[1].x = randnum(maxx); tri[1].y = randnum(maxy); tri[2].x = randnum(maxx); tri[2].y = randnum(maxy); colr = randnum(15); fillconvexpoly(colr,3,tri); } getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 74 FILLPAGE PROTOTYPE extern void far fillpage (int colr) INPUT colr - index to color in current palette OUTPUT no value is returned USAGE FILLPAGE clears the currently active page with the specified color. All information on the page is lost. (Note, a faster method to clear the page is to call any of the RES### functions. These reset the graphics screen and automatically clear it to color index zero as well as reset the default palette.) SEE ALSO DRWFILLBOX, DRWFILLCIRCLE, DRWFILLELLIPSE, FILLAREA, FILLCOLOR, FILLCONVEXPOLY, FILLPOLY, FILLSCREEN, FILLVIEW EXAMPLE /* * fill the page with a color */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); fillpage(10); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 75 FILLPOLY PROTOTYPE extern void far fillpoly (int polycolr, int numpoints, D2Point far *pointarray) INPUT polycolor - index to color in current palette numpoints - number of points in PointArray pointarray - D2Point pointer to array containing polygon points OUTPUT no value returned USAGE FILLPOLY draws a solid polygon outlined by the points given in pointarray. The points are expected to be consecutive. However, there are no restrictions on the relative locations of the points. The polygon may curve in on itself or have crossed lines. The function also assumes that the last point in the array connects to the first. FILLPOLY can be used interchangeably with FILLCONVEXPOLY, although FILLPOLY is slightly slower. Special thanks to Eric Jorgensen for providing the algorithm which formed the basis for FILLPOLY. SEE ALSO D3PROJECT, DRWFILLBOX, FILLAREA, FILLCOLOR, FILLCONVEXPOLY, FILLPAGE, FILLSCREEN, FILLVIEW EXAMPLE /* * Show fillpoly */ #include #include #include #include "svgacc.h" #define randnum(size) (rand() % (int)(size)) void main(void) { D2Point star[5]; if ( !whichvga() ) 76 exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); star[0].x = 320; star[0].y = 40; star[1].x = 203; star[1].y = 401; star[2].x = 510; star[2].y = 179; star[3].x = 130; star[3].y = 179; star[4].x = 437; star[4].y = 401; fillpoly(10,5,star); getch(); restext(); exit(0); } 77 FILLSCREEN PROTOTYPE extern void far fillscreen (int colr) INPUT colr - index to color in current palette OUTPUT no value is returned USAGE FILLSCREEN clears the entire screen with the specified color. All information on the screen is lost. (Note, a faster method to clear the screen is to call any of the RES### functions. These reset the graphics screen and automatically clear it to color index zero as well as reset the default palette.) SEE ALSO DRWFILLBOX, DRWFILLCIRCLE, DRWFILLELLIPSE, FILLAREA, FILLCOLOR, FILLCONVEXPOLY, FILLPAGE, FILLPOLY, FILLVIEW EXAMPLE /* * fill the screen with a color */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); fillscreen(10); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 78 FILLVIEW PROTOTYPE extern void far fillview (int colr) INPUT colr - index to color in current palette OUTPUT no value is returned USAGE FILLVIEW fills the currently defined viewport with the specified color. All information in the viewport is lost. SEE ALSO DRWFILLBOX, DRWFILLCIRCLE, DRWFILLELLIPSE, FILLAREA, FILLCOLOR, FILLCONVEXPOLY, FILLPAGE, FILLPOLY, FILLSCREEN, SETVIEW EXAMPLE /* * fill the viewport with a color */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); setview(100,100,539,379); fillview(10); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 79 FONTGETINFO PROTOTYPE extern void far fontgetinfo (int far *wdth, int far *hght) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT wdth - integer pointer to width in pixels of current font hght - integer pointer to height in pixels of current font USAGE FONTGETINFO returns in wdth and hght the dimensions of the currently loaded font. SEE ALSO FONTSET, FONTSYSTEM EXAMPLE /* * display system font width and height */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; int fontwidth; int fontheight; char text[50]; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); fontgetinfo(&fontwidth,&fontheight); sprintf(text,"the system font width is: %d",fontwidth); drwstring(1,7,0,text,0,0); sprintf(text,"the system font height is: %d",fontheight); drwstring(1,7,0,text,0,20); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); 80 exit(0); } 81 FONTSET PROTOTYPE extern void far fontset (Font far *font) INPUT font - pointer to Font structure OUTPUT no value returned USAGE FONTSET loads the current font with the data found at font. The Font structure is 4098 bytes long with the first two bytes being the width and height of the font respectively. SEE ALSO FONTGETINFO, FONTSYSTEM EXAMPLE /* * Load a font from disk and enable it */ #include #include #include #include "svgacc.h" Font newfont; void main(void) { int vmode; char text[]="The Dragon Font!"; FILE *fontfile; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); if( (fontfile = fopen("dragon.fnt","rb")) == NULL ) exit (1); fread(&newfont,4098,1,fontfile); fclose(fontfile); fontset(&newfont); 82 drwstring(1,10,0,text,0,0); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); } 83 FONTSYSTEM PROTOTYPE extern void far fontsystem (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT no value returned USAGE FONTSYSTEM sets the current font to the standard system font. This font is automatically set when WHICHVGA is called. SEE ALSO WHICHVGA, FONTGETINFO, FONTSET EXAMPLE /* Load font from disk, enable it, and switch back to system font */ #include #include #include #include "svgacc.h" Font newfont; void main(void) { int vmode; char text1[]="The Dragon Font!"; char text2[]="The System Font!"; FILE *fontfile; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); if( (fontfile = fopen("dragon.fnt","rb")) == NULL ) exit(1); fread(&newfont,4098,1,fontfile); fclose(fontfile); fontset(&newfont); drwstring(1,10,0,text1,0,0); fontsystem(); drwstring(1,10,0,text2,0,20); 84 getch(); videomodeset(vmode); } 85 GETARCCOS PROTOTYPE extern long far getarccos (long cosvalue) INPUT cosvalue - number between -1 and +1 scaled up by 13 bits (8192) OUTPUT GETARCCOS returns the arc cosine of cosvalue in degrees. USAGE GETARCCOS returns the arc cosine in degrees for the given value. The return will be between 0 and 180 degrees. Cosvalue should be between -8192 and +8192 representing the range -1 to +1. Input values outside this range are invalid and GETARCCOS will return -32768. This function uses an integer lookup table stored within the library in order to produce the fastest possible results. No floating point arithmetic is used. The scale factor of 13 bits (8192) was chosen because this is the number of bits at which every change of one degree gives a change in the value of the sine (or cosine) function. SEE ALSO GETARCSIN, GETARCTAN, GETCOS, GETSIN, GETTAN EXAMPLE /* * show getarccos */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int ang; long valueX8192; float value; for(value=0;value<1;value+=.05) { valueX8192 = 8192 * value; ang = getarccos(valueX8192); printf("arccos of %f = %d degrees\n",value,ang); 86 } exit(0); } 87 GETARCSIN PROTOTYPE extern long far getarcsin (long sinvalue) INPUT sinvalue - number between -1 and +1 scaled up by 13 bits (8192) OUTPUT GETARCSIN returns the arc sine of sinvalue in degrees. USAGE GETARCSIN returns the arc sine in degrees for the given value. The return will be between -90 and +90 degrees. Sinvalue should be between -8192 and +8192 representing the range -1 to +1. Input values outside this range are invalid and GETARCSIN will return -32768. This function uses an integer lookup table stored within the library in order to produce the fastest possible results. No floating point arithmetic is used. The scale factor of 13 bits (8192) was chosen because this is the number of bits at which every change of one degree gives a change in the value of the sine (or cosine) function. SEE ALSO GETARCCOS, GETARCTAN, GETCOS, GETSIN, GETTAN EXAMPLE /* * show getarcsin */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int ang; long valueX8192; float value; for(value=0;value<1;value+=.05) { valueX8192 = 8192 * value; ang = getarcsin(valueX8192); printf("arcsin of %f = %d degrees\n",value,ang); } 88 exit(0); } 89 GETARCTAN PROTOTYPE extern long far getarctan (long tanvalue) INPUT tanvalue - long integer representing a decimal scaled up by 13 bits (8192) OUTPUT GETARCTAN returns the arc tangent of tanvalue in degrees. USAGE GETARCTAN returns the arc tangent in degrees for the given value. The return will be between -89 and +89 degrees. Tanvalue can be any long integer. It is interpreted as a decimal scaled up by 8192 (13 bits). This function uses an integer lookup table stored within the library in order to produce the fastest possible results. No floating point arithmetic is used. The scale factor of 13 bits (8192) was chosen because this is the number of bits at which every change of one degree gives a change in the value of the sine (or cosine) function. SEE ALSO GETARCCOS, GETARCSIN, GETCOS, GETSIN, GETTAN EXAMPLE /* * show getarctan */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int tanang; int ang; long valueX8192; float value; for(value=0;value<2;value+=.1) { valueX8192 = 8192 * value; ang = getarctan(valueX8192); printf("arctan of %f = %d degrees\n",value,ang); 90 } exit(0); } 91 GETCOS PROTOTYPE extern long far getcos (long angle) INPUT angle - angle in degrees OUTPUT GETCOS returns the cosine of angle scaled up by 13 bits (8192). USAGE GETCOS returns the cosine of the specified angle. Angle can be any long value. The return value has been multiplied by 8192. This function uses an integer lookup table stored within the library in order to produce the fastest possible results. No floating point arithmetic is used. The scale factor of 13 bits (8192) was chosen because this is the number of bits at which every change of one degree gives a change in the value of the sine (or cosine) function. SEE ALSO GETARCCOS, GETARCSIN, GETARCTAN, GETSIN, GETTAN EXAMPLE /* * show getcos */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int ang; float value; for(ang=0;ang<90;ang+=5) { value = (float)getcos(ang) / 8192; printf("cos of %d degrees = %f\n",ang,value); } exit(0); } 92 GETLASTSTRING PROTOTYPE extern void far getlaststring (RasterBlock far *strnggfxblk) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT no value returned strnggfxblk - RasterBlock pointer to destination array USAGE GETLASTSTRING returns the text drawn on the screen by the last called DRWSTRING function. The text is returned in strnggfxblk which may be used with BLKPUT or the sprite functions. The text in strnggfxblk is oriented in the same manner as the last called DRWSTRING function. The suggested practice is to call the DRWSTRING function using mode NO_ACTION which does not actually draw text on the screen. GETLASTSTRING should be called immediately after the desired DRWSTRING function to prevent possible loss of data caused by other functions. The number of bytes of raster data needed by strnggfxblk is equal to (fontwidth*stringlength)*(fontheight) plus four bytes for the width and height integers in the RasterBlock structure. The font's dimensions can be obtained by calling FONTGETINFO and the string's length can be obtained using the STRLEN function. Note, however, that strnggfxblk can be quite large. If insufficient space is allocated for strnggfxblk, GETLASTSTRING will overwrite any data in memory contained beyond strnggfxblk and may possibly cause the system to crash. SEE ALSO BLKPUT, DRWSTRING, DRWSTRINGDN, DRWSTRINGLT, DRWSTRINGRT, FONTGETINFO EXAMPLE /* * Draws some text using the 'NO-ACTION' mode then * retrieve the raster data as a 'RasterBlock' */ 93 #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode,fontwidth,fontheight; char text[]="hello world"; RasterBlock *blkdata; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); drwstringrt(NO_ACTION,10,0,text,320,240); fontgetinfo(&fontwidth,&fontheight); blkdata = (RasterBlock *)malloc(fontwidth*11*fontheight + 4); getlaststring(blkdata); blkput(SET,0,0,blkdata); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); } 94 GETPOINT PROTOTYPE extern int far getpoint (int x, int y) INPUT x, y - location of pixel to read OUTPUT GETPOINT returns the color index of the pixel at x, y. USAGE GETPOINT returns the value of the pixel at location x, y. This value is a color index into the current palette. SEE ALSO DRWPOINT EXAMPLE /* * draw a point and check that it is there */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; int pointvalue; char text[50]; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); drwpoint(1,10,320,240); pointvalue = getpoint(320,240); sprintf(text,"the point value is: %d",pointvalue); drwstring(1,7,0,text,0,0); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 95 GETSIN PROTOTYPE extern long far getsin (long angle) INPUT angle - angle in degrees OUTPUT GETSIN returns the sine of angle scaled up by 13 bits (8192). USAGE GETSIN returns the sine of the specified angle. Angle can be any long value. The return value has been multiplied by 8192. This function uses an integer lookup table stored within the library in order to produce the fastest possible results. No floating point arithmetic is used. The scale factor of 13 bits (8192) was chosen because this is the number of bits at which every change of one degree gives a change in the value of the sine (or cosine) function. SEE ALSO GETARCCOS, GETARCSIN, GETARCTAN, GETCOS, GETTAN EXAMPLE /* * show getsin */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int sinang, ang; float value; for(ang=0;ang<90;ang+=5) { value = (float)getsin(ang) / 8192; printf("sin of %d degrees = %f\n",ang,value); } exit(0); } 96 GETTAN PROTOTYPE extern long far gettan (long angle) INPUT angle - angle in degrees OUTPUT GETTAN returns the tangent of angle scaled up by 13 bits (8192) USAGE GETTAN returns the tangent of the specified angle. Angle can be any long value except +(90+n*180), where n is an integer. The return value has been multiplied by 8192. If an invalid angle is given, the GETTAN will return &H80000000 (- 2147483648). This function uses an integer lookup table stored within the library in order to produce the fastest possible results. No floating point arithmetic is used. The scale factor of 13 bits (8192) was chosen because this is the number of bits at which every change of one degree gives a change in the value of the sine (or cosine) function. SEE ALSO GETARCCOS, GETARCSIN, GETARCTAN, GETCOS, GETSIN EXAMPLE /* * show gettan */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int tanang, ang; float value; for(ang=0;ang<90;ang+=5) { value = (float)gettan(ang) / 8192; printf("tan of %d degrees = %f\n",ang,value); } exit(0); } 97 JOYSTICKINFO PROTOTYPE extern void far joystickinfo (int far *jax, int far *jay, int far *jabuts, int far *jbx, int far *jby, int far *jbbuts) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT jax, jay - horizontal and vertical values of joystick A jabuts - button status of joystick A jbx, jby - horizontal and vertical values of joystick B jbbuts - button status of joystick B USAGE JOYSTICKINFO returns the current status of the two joysticks' position and buttons. The position is returned in jax, jay for joystick A and jbx, jby for joystick B. The buttons' status is held in jabuts and jbbuts. For each joystick, button A - usually the fire button - is held in bit zero and button B is in bit one. Button status is most easily checked with a bitwise AND of jabuts (or jbbuts) and the desired bit. Not all joysticks are constructed with the same components. In addition, joysticks are not linear devices. The value of a joystick's center will not necessarily be the mean of its extreme values. Therefore, it is recommended that any program using the joystick for more than just directional control complete a calibration of the joystick prior to usage. For an example of joystick calibration, see the SVGADEMO.EXE source code. It is recommended, though not required, to call WHICHJOYSTICK, prior to using the joysticks in order to verify the existence of the hardware. SEE ALSO WHICHJOYSTICK EXAMPLE /* * show joysticks port readings */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" 98 void main(void) { int vmode; int jax, jay, jabuts, jbx, jby, jbbuts; printf("A: X Y btn | B: X Y btn\n "); while(!kbhit()) { joystickinfo(&jax,&jay,&jabuts,&jbx,&jby,&jbbuts); printf("%04d %04d %1d | ",jax,jay,jabuts); printf("%04d %04d %1d",jbx,jby,jbbuts); printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); } getch(); } 99 MOUSEBUTPRESS PROTOTYPE extern void far mousebutpress (int reqbut, int far *xloc, int far *yloc, int far *num, int far *mbuts) INPUT reqbut - button for which information is requested OUTPUT x, y - current location of mouse cursor num - number of times requested button has been pressed since last request mbuts - current status of mouse buttons USAGE MOUSEBUTPRESS returns in Num the number of times a mouse button has been pressed since the last call to MOUSEBUTPRESS. In addition the current status of the mouse cursor and buttons is returned. The position is returned in X, Y. The buttons' status is held in mbuts. The left button is held in bit zero, right button in bit one and center button - for three button mice - in bit two. Button status is most easily checked with a bitwise AND of mbuts and the desired bit. The button for which a history is desired is identified by the bits in reqbut. However, only one bit in reqbut may be set. Therefore, only the values of 1, 2 and 4 are permitted. If more than one bit in reqbut is set, the function will exit and no information will be returned. SEE ALSO MOUSEBUTRELEASE, MOUSESTATUS EXAMPLE /* enable,show mouse / display left button press history for the last 2 * seconds */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, x, y, n, mbuts; char text[50]; 100 char textclr[]=" "; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !whichmouse()) exit(1); res640(); mousecursordefault(); mouseenter(); mouseshow(); while(!kbhit()) { mousebutpress(1,&x,&y,&n,&mbuts); sprintf(text,"mouse x loc: %3d, y loc: %3d, number of times: %2d",x,y,n); mousehide(); drwstring(1,15,8,text,0,0); mouseshow(); sdelay(80); mousehide(); drwstring(1,15,8,textclr,0,0); mouseshow(); } mousehide(); mouseexit(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 101 MOUSEBUTRELEASE PROTOTYPE extern void far mousebutrelease (int reqbut, int far *xloc, int far *yloc, int far *num, int far *mbuts) INPUT reqbut - button for which information is requested OUTPUT x, y - current location of mouse cursor num - number of times requested button has been released since last request mbuts - current status of mouse buttons USAGE MOUSEBUTRELEASE returns in Num the number of times a mouse button has been released since the last call to MOUSEBUTRELEASE. In addition the current status of the mouse cursor and buttons is returned. The position is returned in x, y. The buttons' status is held in mbuts. The left button is held in bit zero, right button in bit one and center button - for three button mice - in bit two. Button status is most easily checked with a bitwise AND of mbuts and the desired bit. The button for which a history is desired is identified by the bits in reqbut. However, only one bit in reqbut may be set. Therefore, only the values of 1, 2 and 4 are permitted. If more than one bit in reqbut is set, the function will exit and no information will be returned. SEE ALSO MOUSEBUTPRESS, MOUSESTATUS EXAMPLE /* enable,show mouse / display left button release history for the last * 2 seconds */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, x, y, n, mbuts; char text[50]; 102 char textclr[]=" "; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !whichmouse()) exit(1); res640(); mousecursordefault(); mouseenter(); mouseshow(); while(!kbhit()) { mousebutrelease(1,&x,&y,&n,&mbuts); sprintf(text,"mouse x loc: %3d, y loc: %3d, number of times: %2d",x,y,n); mousehide(); drwstring(1,15,8,text,0,0); mouseshow(); sdelay(80); mousehide(); drwstring(1,15,8,textclr,0,0); mouseshow(); } mousehide(); mouseexit(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 103 MOUSECURSORSET PROTOTYPE extern void far mousecursorset (MouseCursor far *mousecursor) INPUT mousecursor - MouseCursor pointer to mouse cursor data OUTPUT no value returned USAGE MOUSECURSORSET defines the cursor according to the data in the MouseCursor structure. The hot spot for the cursor is set by mousecursor.hotspotx, mousecursor.hotspoty. The values for mousecursor.hotspotx and mousecursor.hotspoty must be within the cursor. Valid mousecursor.hotspotx values are from 0 to 15 and mousecursor.hotspoty ranges from 0 to 23. SEE ALSO MOUSECURSORDEFAULT, MOUSEENTER, MOUSESHOW EXAMPLE /* * enable,show mouse, and switch to a different mouse cursor */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; MouseCursor bigmousecursor = { 1,1, 0,0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, 0,15,15,0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, 0,15,15,15,15,0,0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, 0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255, 0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,0,0,0,255,255,255, 0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,0,0,255, 0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,0,255, 0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,0,0,255,255, 0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,0,255,255,255,255, 0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,0,0,255,255,255,255,255, 104 0,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,0,255,255,255,255,255,255, 0,15,15,15,15,15,0,15,15,15,0,255,255,255,255,255, 0,15,15,15,15,0,0,15,15,15,0,255,255,255,255,255, 0,15,15,0,0,255,255,0,15,15,15,0,255,255,255,255, 0,15,0,255,255,255,255,0,15,15,15,0,255,255,255,255, 0,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,0,15,15,15,0,255,255,255, 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,0,15,15,15,0,255,255, 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,0,15,15,15,0,255,255, 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,0,15,15,15,0,255, 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,0,15,15,15,0, 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,0,15,15,15,0, 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,0,15,15,0, 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,0,0,0, 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, 255 }; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !whichmouse()) exit(1); res640(); mouseenter(); drwstring(1,7,0,"press a key to return to default cursor",0,0); mousecursorset(bigmousecursor); mouseshow(); getch(); mousecursordefault(); drwstring(1,7,0,"press a key to end ",0,0); getch(); mousehide(); mouseexit(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 105 MOUSECURSORDEFAULT PROTOTYPE extern void far mousecursordefault (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT no value returned USAGE MOUSECURSORDEFAULT defines the mouse cursor to be a small arrow with the hot spot in the upper, left corner. This is the cursor set when MOUSEENTER is called. SEE ALSO MOUSECURSORSET, MOUSEENTER EXAMPLE See MOUSECURSORSET 106 MOUSEENTER PROTOTYPE extern void far mouseenter (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT no value returned USAGE MOUSEENTER must be called before any other mouse functions. It initializes all of the mouse abilities including installing the Zephyr mouse display driver. MOUSEENTER initializes the default mouse cursor, the default sensitivity and sets the range to the current screen resolution. The mouse cursor location is set to the middle of the screen. SEE ALSO MOUSEEXIT, MOUSEHIDE, MOUSESHOW EXAMPLE /* * enable,show mouse */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !whichmouse()) exit(1); res640(); mouseenter(); mouseshow(); getch(); mousehide(); mouseexit(); videomodeset(vmode); 107 exit(0); } 108 MOUSEEXIT PROTOTYPE extern void far mouseexit (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT no value returned USAGE MOUSEEXIT properly disables all of the mouse abilities. This function also removes the Zephyr mouse display driver. This function should be called prior to exiting any program that previously called MOUSEENTER. SEE ALSO MOUSEENTER, MOUSEHIDE, MOUSESHOW EXAMPLE /* * enable,show mouse, then disable it */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !whichmouse()) exit(1); res640(); mousecursordefault(); mouseenter(); mouseshow(); getch(); mousehide(); mouseexit(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); 109 } 110 MOUSEHIDE PROTOTYPE extern void far mousehide (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT no value returned USAGE MOUSEHIDE turns off the mouse display driver and removes the cursor from the display. It is recommended to hide the mouse any time something will be drawn in its general vicinity. Note, however, that although the cursor is not visible, all other mouse abilities remain active. SEE ALSO MOUSEENTER, MOUSEEXIT, MOUSESHOW EXAMPLE /* * enable,show mouse,hide mouse */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !whichmouse()) exit(1); res640(); mousecursordefault(); mouseenter(); mouseshow(); getch(); mousehide(); getch(); mouseexit(); videomodeset(vmode); 111 exit(0); } 112 MOUSEINFO PROTOTYPE extern void far mouseinfo (int far *drvmajorver, int far *drvminorver, int far *mousetype, int far *irqnumber) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT drvmajorver - Microsoft compatible mouse driver major version number drvminorver - Microsoft compatible mouse driver minor version number mousetype - type of mouse installed irqnumber - interrupt used by the mouse USAGE MOUSEINFO returns information about the mouse and its installed driver. The driver must be Microsoft compatible. This information can be used to determine whether the mouse functions in this library will operate correctly. For proper operation the driver version number must be greater than 1.00. Irqnumber gives the interrupt number of the mouse. Mousetype returns information about the type of hardware installed according to the following table: 0 = unknown type 1 = bus mouse 2 = serial mouse 3 = Inport mouse 4 = PS/2 mouse 5 = HP mouse SEE ALSO WHICHMOUSE EXAMPLE /* * id any installed mouse */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { 113 int mjv, mnv, tp, i, mouse; char buf[100]; mouse = whichmouse(); if (mouse > 0) { mouseinfo(&mjv, &mnv, &tp, &i); switch (tp) { case 1: sprintf(buf,"bus mouse"); break; case 2: sprintf(buf,"serial mouse"); break; case 3: sprintf(buf,"Inport mouse"); break; case 4: sprintf(buf,"PS/2 mouse"); break; case 5: sprintf(buf,"HP mouse"); break; default: sprintf(buf,"unknown type"); } printf("Microsoft compatible %s detected with %d buttons on IRQ %d.\n", &buf, mouse, i); printf("Software driver version is %d.%d (Microsoft equivalent version).\n\n", mjv, mnv); } else printf("No Microsoft compatible mouse detected.\n\n"); } 114 MOUSELOCSET PROTOTYPE extern void far mouselocset (int xloc, int yloc) INPUT x, y - location on screen OUTPUT no value returned USAGE MOUSELOCSET moves the mouse cursor the location on the screen specified by x, y. If either x or y is outside of the currently permitted mouse range, it is set to the closest border. The currently permitted mouse range is the current screen resolution or the last called MOUSERANGESET. SEE ALSO MOUSEENTER, MOUSERANGESET EXAMPLE /* * enable,show mouse then move it to the origin */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !whichmouse()) exit(1); res640(); mousecursordefault(); mouseenter(); mouseshow(); getch(); mouselocset(0,0); getch(); mousehide(); mouseexit(); videomodeset(vmode); 115 exit(0); } 116 MOUSERANGESET PROTOTYPE extern void far mouserangeset (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) INPUT x1, y1 - location on screen of top, left corner of range x2, y2 - location on screen of bottom, right corner of range OUTPUT no value returned USAGE MOUSERANGESET defines a permissible range on the screen for mouse movement. The mouse is automatically positioned in the center of this range. SEE ALSO MOUSELOCSET, MOUSESTATUS EXAMPLE /* * enable,show and set a range for the mouse */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !whichmouse()) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); mouseenter(); drwbox(1,10,100,100,539,379); mouserangeset(100,100,539,379); mouseshow(); getch(); mousehide(); mouseexit(); 117 videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 118 MOUSERESTORESTATE PROTOTYPE extern void far mouserestorestate (byte far *mousebuf) INPUT mousebuf - byte pointer to buffer holding complete mouse status information OUTPUT no value returned USAGE MOUSERESTORESTATE completely restores a previously saved mouse status as contained in mousebuf. The mouse status must have been already stored in mousebuf by MOUSESAVESTATE. SEE ALSO MOUSESAVESTATE, MOUSESTORAGESIZE EXAMPLE /* * save the mouse driver state,shell out to DOS, restore the driver state */ #include #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int rt, bufsiz; byte *mousedriverdata; char cmdcom[]="C:\COMMAND.COM"; char *args[1]; if ( !whichmouse()) exit(1); bufsiz=mousestoragesize(); mousedriverdata = (byte *)malloc(bufsiz); mousesavestate(mousedriverdata); printf("* Type Exit To Return To Program *"); args[0]=NULL; rt=spawnv(P_WAIT,cmdcom,args); mouserestorestate(mousedriverdata); printf("mouse driver data restored..."); 119 exit(0); } 120 MOUSESAVESTATE PROTOTYPE extern void far mousesavestate (byte far *mousebuf) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT no value returned mousebuf - buffer holding complete mouse status information USAGE MOUSESAVESTATE saves the complete mouse status in mousebuf. The size of mousebuf in bytes is defined by MOUSESTORAGESIZE which should called first. SEE ALSO MOUSERESTORESTATE, MOUSESTORAGESIZE EXAMPLE See MOUSERESTORESTATE 121 MOUSESENSSET PROTOTYPE extern void far mousesensset (int xsens, int ysens, int dblspdthresh) INPUT xsens = number of mickeys per 8 pixels horizontally (default = 4 mickeys per pixel) ysens = number of mickeys per 8 pixels vertically (default = 4 mickeys per pixel) dblspdthresh=number of mickeys per second at which speed is doubled (default = 8) OUTPUT no value returned USAGE MOUSESENSSET defines the relationship between mouse movement and cursor movement on the screen. A mickey is defined as 1/200th of an inch. The ratio between mickeys and pixels is specified by xsens and ysens in the horizontal and vertical directions respectively. When the mouse movement is faster than DblSpdThresh in mickeys per second, the speed is doubled. The default values are assigned whenever MOUSEENTER or MOUSEEXIT are called. SEE ALSO MOUSEENTER, MOUSEEXIT, MOUSESTATUS EXAMPLE /* * enable,show the mouse and make it very sensitive */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !whichmouse()) exit(1); 122 res640(); mousecursordefault(); mouseenter(); mouseshow(); mousesensset(2, 2, 4); getch(); mousehide(); mouseexit(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 123 MOUSESHOW PROTOTYPE extern void far mouseshow (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT no value returned USAGE MOUSESHOW enables the mouse display driver and places the cursor on the screen. The cursor is only updated when the mouse is moved. Therefore, it is recommended to hide the cursor when drawing on the screen to avoid unexpected results. SEE ALSO MOUSEENTER, MOUSEEXIT, MOUSEHIDE EXAMPLE See MOUSEHIDE 124 MOUSESTATUS PROTOTYPE extern void far mousestatus (int far *x, int far *y, int far *mbuts) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT x, y - mouse position on screen mbuts - status of mouse buttons USAGE MOUSESTATUS returns the current status of the mouse position and buttons. The position is returned in x, y. The buttons' status is held in mbuts. The left button is held in bit zero, right button in bit one and center button - for three button mice - in bit two. Button status is most easily checked with a bitwise AND of mbuts and the desired bit. SEE ALSO MOUSERANGESET, MOUSESENSSET EXAMPLE /* enable,show mouse & display status */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, x, y, mbuts; char buf[100]; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); if ( !whichmouse()) exit(1); res640(); mouseenter(); mouseshow(); while(!kbhit()) { mousestatus(&x,&y,&mbuts); sprintf(buf,"X= %4d Y= %4d LB= %1d CB= %1d RB= %1d\0",x,y,(mbuts & 1),(mbuts & 2),(mbuts & 4)); drwstring(1,15,8,buf,10,32); 125 } mousehide(); mouseexit(); videomodeset(vmode); } 126 MOUSESTORAGESIZE PROTOTYPE extern int far mousestoragesize (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT MOUSESTORAGESIZE returns the size of buffer in bytes to store complete mouse status USAGE MOUSESTORAGESIZE determines the proper size buffer to hold the complete mouse status information. This buffer should be allocated before calling MOUSESAVESTATE. SEE ALSO MOUSERESTORESTATE, MOUSESAVESTATE EXAMPLE /* * return the size in bytes need to save the mouse driver status */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int bufsiz; char buf[50]; if ( !whichmouse()) exit(1); bufsiz=mousestoragesize(); sprintf(buf,"%d bytes are required to save mouse driver status...",bufsiz); printf("%s", &buf); exit(0); } 127 OVERSCANSET PROTOTYPE extern void far overscanset (int colr) INPUT colr - index to color in current palette OUTPUT no value returned USAGE OVERSCANSET sets the overscan region to the specified color. The overscan region is the area between the usable pixel area and the region not scanned by the monitor. Normally, the overscan is color zero which is defined as black the majority of the time. The overscan color is reset to zero anytime a RES### function is called. Note: OVERSCANSET always works in the 320x200 resolution. In the higher resolutions on many common SVGA cards this function is ignored. Instead, the card always assigns the overscan region to color zero. Therefore, it is recommended to not use OVERSCANSET, but assign color zero as needed. EXAMPLE /* * set the overscan color to green */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); res320(); overscanset(10); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 128 PAGEACTIVE PROTOTYPE extern int far pageactive (int page) INPUT page - number of page to make active OUTPUT PAGEACTIVE returns a 1 if successful, 0 if unsuccessful. USAGE PAGEACTIVE sets the active page as specified by page. It works by creating an offset to be added when any bank switching is performed. This function does not affect the actual display. A page is defined as the number of 64K banks necessary to contain the current screen resolution. For example, 640x480 requires 307,200 bytes which is a little more than 4.5 64K blocks. One page in this resolution will be 5 banks. PAGEACTIVE does not work in 320x200 mode since this mode uses no bank switching. SEE ALSO FILLPAGE, PAGEDISPLAY EXAMPLE /* * Show pageactive (video card needs 1meg to show pages in 640x480x256) */ #include #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode,er; char text[]="press a key..."; char buf[20]; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 1024) exit(1); 129 if ( !res640() ) exit(1); /* make sure video card supports page flipping */ if ( !pagedisplay(0,0,0) ) { videomodeset(vmode); exit(1); } er = pageactive(0); fillpage(0); drwstring(1,10,0,text,0,300); sprintf(buf,"Page 0"); drwstring(1,10,0,buf,0,0); er = pageactive(1); fillpage(0); drwstring(1,12,0,text,0,300); sprintf(buf,"Page 1"); drwstring(1,12,0,buf,0,20); er = pageactive(2); fillpage(0); drwstring(1,13,0,text,0,300); sprintf(buf,"Page 2"); drwstring(1,13,0,buf,0,40); er = pageactive(0); er = pagedisplay(0,0,0); getch(); er = pagedisplay(0,0,1); getch(); er = pagedisplay(0,0,2); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 130 PAGEDISPLAY PROTOTYPE extern int far pagedisplay (int x, int y, int page) INPUT x, y - coordinate to place at top, left of display page - number of page to make active OUTPUT PAGEDISPLAY returns a 1 if successful, 0 if unsuccessful. USAGE PAGEDISPLAY tells the video card where in video memory to begin the display. This display offset is calculated from the specified page, x and y. This is done by multiplying y times the width of the current resolution, adding x and then adding the appropriate number of 64K blocks for page. X, y and page must all be positive numbers, but are otherwise not restricted. The display will wrap if the values are abnormally large. Wrapping will happen from side to side as well as from top of memory to bottom of memory. PAGEDISPLAY does not work in 320x200 mode since this mode uses no bank switching. In addition, older models of some SVGA cards operating in native mode do not support paging. In this library these cards are: Acumos, Ahead version A, Everex and Genoa. To ensure compatibility, a program should make a call similar to: if ( !pagedisplay(0,0,0) ) printf("PAGING NOT SUPPORTED\n"); Note: SVGA cards by ATI Technologies appear to ignore bit 4 (counting from 0 to 19) in its linear addressing mode and assume it is zero. Therefore, bit 4 of the x parameter will be ignored by ATI chipsets. SEE ALSO FILLPAGE, PAGEACTIVE EXAMPLE See PAGEACTIVE 131 PALCHGAUTO PROTOTYPE extern void far palchgauto (RGB far *pal, RGB far *newpal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int speed) INPUT pal - initial palette newpal - new palette firstcolr - index into palette where change will begin lastcolr - index into palette where change will end speed - speed of change OUTPUT no value returned USAGE PALCHGAUTO smoothly fades the colors between firstcolr and lastcolr from the palette pal to newpal. The speed of the fade is set by speed which is percentage change between each step of the fade. Only values between 1 and 128 are valid where 1 represents a one percent change between steps and 128 (80 hex) represents fifty percent change between steps. A speed of 128 would then have only two steps. A speed outside of the valid range causes the function to immediately return without making any changes. The time required to accomplish the entire fade is approximately equal to 0.033 seconds times 256 divided by speed. PALCHGAUTO does not modify either pal or newpal. SEE ALSO PALCHGSTEP, PALDIMSTEP, PALIOAUTO EXAMPLE /* * autofade from one palette to another and back again */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, colr, y, i, index; PaletteData orgpal, newpal; vmode = videomodeget(); 132 if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); palget(orgpal,0,255); for (index=0;index<256;index++) { newpal[index].r = index / 4; newpal[index].g = index / 4; newpal[index].b = index / 4; } colr = 0; for (y=0;y<480;y++) { drwline(1,colr++,0,y,639,y); if (colr>255) colr = 0; } palchgauto(orgpal,newpal,0,255,2); palchgauto(newpal,orgpal,0,255,2); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 133 PALCHGSTEP PROTOTYPE extern void far palchgstep (RGB far *pal, RGB far *newpal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int percent) INPUT pal - initial palette newpal - new palette firstcolr - index into palette where change will begin lastcolr - index into palette where change will end percent - percent step from current palette to new palette OUTPUT no value returned USAGE PALCHGSTEP changes the palette colors between firstcolr and lastcolr by percent from pal to newpal. This function works very much like PALCHGAUTO except it only takes a single step and returns. The step taken is a percentage specified by Percent where 256 (100 hex) is a 100 percent change. The valid range for Percent is 0 to 256. Values beyond this range cause the function to immediately return without making any changes. A loop from 4 to 256 by fours using PALCHGSTEP would have similar results as PALCHGAUTO with a speed of 4. Neither pal, nor newpal are modified. SEE ALSO PALCHGAUTO, PALDIMSTEP, PALIOAUTO EXAMPLE /* * step fade from one palette to another and back again */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, colr, y, i, index; PaletteData orgpal, newpal; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); 134 if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); palget(orgpal,0,255); for (index=0;index<256;index++) { newpal[index].r = index / 4; newpal[index].g = index / 4; newpal[index].b = index / 4; } colr = 0; for (y=0;y<480;y++) { drwline(1,colr++,0,y,639,y); if (colr>255) colr = 0; } for (index=0;index<256;index++) { palchgstep(orgpal,newpal,0,255,index); } for (index=256;index>=-1;index--) { palchgstep(orgpal,newpal,0,255,index); } getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 135 PALCOPY PROTOTYPE extern void far palcopy (RGB far *srcpal, RGB far *destpal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr) INPUT srcpal - source palette firstcolr - index into palette where copy will begin lastcolr - index into palette where copy will end OUTPUT no value returned destpal - copy of srcpal USAGE PALCOPY quickly copies a source palette into a second palette array. Destpal must be previously allocated. A portion of a palette may be copied by specifying first and last colors. If firstcolr is greater than lastcolr, no copy will occur. SEE ALSO BYTECOPY EXAMPLE /* * create a color palette(grayscale) and copy it to a palette * of a different name */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode,colr,y,i,index; PaletteData pal, newpal; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); for (index=0;index<256;index++) { pal[index].r = index / 4; 136 pal[index].g = index / 4; pal[index].b = index / 4; } colr = 0; palcopy(pal,newpal,0,255); for (y=0;y<480;y++) { drwline(1,colr++,0,y,639,y); if (colr>255) colr = 0; } palset(newpal,0,255); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 137 PALDIMSTEP PROTOTYPE extern void far paldimstep (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int percent) INPUT pal - initial palette firstcolr - index into palette where dim will begin lastcolr - index into palette where dim will end percent - percent step from current palette to black OUTPUT no value returned USAGE PALDIMSTEP fades the specified palette to black by the given percentage between firstcolr and lastcolr. The percentage step from pal to black is specified by percent where 256 (100 hex) is full black. The valid range for Percent is 0 to 256. Values beyond this range cause the function to immediately return without making any changes. pal is not modified. SEE ALSO PALCHGAUTO, PALCHGSTEP, PALIOAUTO EXAMPLE /* * step dim from a palette to black and back again */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; int colr; int y; int i; int index; PaletteData orgpal; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) 138 exit(1); res640(); palget(orgpal,0,255); colr = 0; for (y=0;y<480;y++) { drwline(1,colr++,0,y,639,y); if (colr>255) colr = 0; } for (index=0;index<256;index++) { paldimstep(orgpal,0,255,index); } for (index=256;index>=-1;index--) { paldimstep(orgpal,0,255,index); } getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 139 PALGET PROTOTYPE extern void far palget (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr) INPUT firstcolr - index into palette where get will begin lastcolr - index into palette where get will end OUTPUT pal - copy of the current palette in the specified range USAGE PALGET returns in pal the colors from the current palette between firstcolr and lastcolr. Only colors in the specified range are returned and all others in pal are unchanged. Pal must be 768 bytes in length despite the number of colors retrieved. SEE ALSO PALROTATE, PALSET EXAMPLE See PALCHGAUTO 140 PALIOAUTO PROTOTYPE extern void far palioauto (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int speed) INPUT pal - initial palette firstcolr - index into palette where fade will begin lastcolr - index into palette where fade will end speed - speed of fade OUTPUT no value returned USAGE PALIOAUTO smoothly fades the colors between firstcolr and lastcolr of pal to or from solid black. The speed of the fade is set by speed which is the percentage change between each step of the fade. A positive speed corresponds to fading from pal to black and a negative speed fades from black to Pal. Only values between -128 and +128 are valid where 1 represents a one percent change between steps and 128 ( 80 hex) represents fifty percent change between steps. A speed of 128 would then have only two steps. A speed outside of the valid range causes the function to immediately return without making any changes. The time required to accomplish the entire fade is approximately equal to 0.033 seconds times 256 divided by speed. PALIOAUTO does not modify pal. SEE ALSO PALCHGAUTO, PALCHGSTEP, PALDIMSTEP EXAMPLE /* * autofade a palette to black and back again */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, colr, y; PaletteData orgpal; vmode = videomodeget(); 141 if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); colr = 0; palget(orgpal,0,255); for (y=0;y<480;y++) { drwline(1,colr++,0,y,639,y); if (colr>255) colr = 0; } palioauto(orgpal,0,255,-2); palioauto(orgpal,0,255,2); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 142 PALROTATE PROTOTYPE extern void far palrotate (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int shift) INPUT pal - PaletteData pointer to current palette firstcolr - index into palette where shift will begin lastcolr - index into palette where shift will end shift - number of locations to shift colors OUTPUT no value returned USAGE PALROTATE shifts the colors in pal between firstcolr and lastcolr by a given number of locations and sets this new palette. The number of locations the colors are moved is specified by shift which is between 1 and 256. Pal is not modified by PALROTATE. SEE ALSO PALGET, PALSET EXAMPLE /* * rotate a few palette entries around */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, colr, y, i, index; PaletteData orgpal; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); colr = 0; palget(orgpal,0,255); for (y=0;y<480;y++) { 143 drwline(1,colr++,0,y,639,y); if (colr>255) colr = 0; } for (i=0;i<200;i++) { palrotate(orgpal,1,127,1); palget(orgpal,0,255); } getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 144 PALSET PROTOTYPE extern void far palset (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr) INPUT pal - palette to set firstcolr - index into palette where set will begin lastcolr - index into palette where set will end OUTPUT no value returned USAGE PALSET sets the specified range of colors in the current palette with the corresponding range in the palette pal. SEE ALSO PALGET EXAMPLE See PALCOPY 145 PCXGETINFO PROTOTYPE extern int far pcxgetinfo (const char far *name, int far *pcxxsize, int far *pcxysize, int far *numcolors, RGB far *pal) INPUT name - char pointer to the filename of the PCX image to read OUTPUT PCXGETINFO returns 1 if successful, error code otherwise. pcxxsize - width in pixels of the image pcxysize - height in pixels of the image numcolors - number of colors in the image palette palette - copy of image palette USAGE PCXGETINFO reads name and returns the characteristics of the image. The dimensions of the image are returned in pcxxsize, pcxysize. The number of colors in the image's palette is returned in numcolors and the palette is returned in palette. Although the image's palette may contain less than 256 colors, palette must be 768 bytes in length. The image's palette will begin with the first color in Palette. PCX version 3.0 is the only specification for 256 color images. Therefore, only version 3.0 PCX files are accepted. If PCXGETINFO determines that Filename is a satisfactory file, the function will return a one. Otherwise, the function will return one of several error codes as listed below: 0 = does not exist or there is some disk I/O problem -1 = not a version 3.0 PCX file -2 = not run-length-encoded -3 = general error SEE ALSO PCXMAKE, PCXPUT EXAMPLE /* * show the info on the 'zephyr.pcx' PCX file */ #include #include 146 #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, xsize, ysize, numcol, ok; int i, darkcolor, britecolor, currcolor; PaletteData pcxpal; char buf[80]; char fname[] = "zephyr.pcx"; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); ok = pcxgetinfo(fname,&xsize,&ysize,&numcol,pcxpal); if (ok == 1) { if ( !res640() ) exit(1); /* we have an unknown 8 bit palette and we must cut it down to 6 bits and find the brightest and darkest colors */ darkcolor = 0 + 0 + 0; britecolor = 63 + 63 + 63; for(i=0;i<255;i++) { pcxpal[i].r >>= 2; pcxpal[i].g >>= 2; pcxpal[i].b >>= 2; currcolor = pcxpal[i].r + pcxpal[i].g + pcxpal[i].b; if (currcolor > darkcolor) darkcolor = currcolor; if (currcolor < britecolor) britecolor = currcolor; } palset(pcxpal,0,255); fillscreen(darkcolor); sprintf(buf,"'%s' is identified as a v3.0 PCX image.",fname); drwstring(1,britecolor,darkcolor,buf,0,0); sprintf(buf,"Dimensions are: %d pixels wide and %d pixels high.",xsize,ysize); drwstring(1,britecolor,darkcolor,buf,0,16); sprintf(buf,"Number of colors: %d.",numcol); drwstring(1,britecolor,darkcolor,buf,0,32); pcxput(SET,0,100,fname); } else { printf("error in pcx file, error code: %d\n",ok); } getch(); videomodeset(vmode); } 147 PCXMAKE PROTOTYPE extern int far pcxmake (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const char far *name) INPUT x1, y1 - the location of the top, left corner of the image x2, y2 - the bottom, right corner of the image name - filename to store the PCX image OUTPUT PCXMAKE returns a 1 if successful, 0 if unsuccessful. USAGE PcxMAKE takes the bitmap enclosed in the box defined by (x1, y1) - (x2, y2) and writes a PCX with the filename specified by name. The resulting file uses the PCX version 3.0 specifications. The values x1, y1, x2 and y2 must be valid coordinates on the currently active page. Name may specify a full path and drive letter, if necessary. If PCXPUT encounters no problems, the function will return a one. Otherwise, the function will return one of several error codes concerning Filename$ as listed below: 0 = disk I/O problem -1 = coordinates out of range SEE ALSO PCXGETINFO, PCXPUT EXAMPLE /* * Make a simple PCX file */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" #define randnum(size) (rand() % (int)(size)) void main(void) { int vmode,colr,num,i; int x1,y1,x2,y2,er; char text[]="This PCX was made using Zephyr Software's PCXMAKE function!"; 148 char fname[]="test.pcx"; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); fillscreen(10); colr = 1; for(i=0;i<200;i++) { x1 = randnum(maxx); y1 = randnum(maxy); x2 = randnum(maxx); y2 = randnum(maxy); drwline(1,colr++,x1,y1,x2,y2); if (colr>15) colr = 1; } drwbox(SET,15,0,0,maxx,maxy); drwstring(1,15,0,text,60,10); er = pcxmake(0,0,maxx,maxy,fname); if (er != 1 ) { videomodeset(vmode); exit(1); } videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 149 PCXPUT PROTOTYPE extern int far pcxput (PixelMode mode, int xloc, int yloc, const char far *name) INPUT mode - pixel write mode xloc, yloc - the location of the top, left corner of the PCX image name - char pointer to filename of the PCX image to read OUTPUT PCXPUT returns 1 if successful, error code otherwise. USAGE PCXPUT reads the PCX image from name and places it on the screen with the top, left corner at xloc, yloc. The image is automatically clipped to the currently defined viewport. The image's palette should be previously obtained by using PCXGETINFO. PCX version 3.0 is the only specification for 256 color images. Therefore, only version 3.0 PCX files are accepted. If PCXPUT encounters no problems, the function will return a one. Otherwise, the function will return one of several error codes as listed below: 0 = does not exist or there is some disk I/O problem -1 = not a version 3.0 PCX file -2 = not run-length-encoded -3 = general error SEE ALSO PCXGETINFO, PCXMAKE, SETVIEW EXAMPLE See PCXGETINFO 150 RES320 PROTOTYPE extern int far res320 (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT RES320 always returns a 1. USAGE RES320 sets video mode 0x13 which is the industry standard 320x200 graphics mode with 256 colors. This function can be called without calling WHICHVGA first as this function requires only that a VGA card is present, not a Super VGA card. If a VGA is not present, the system may crash. SEE ALSO RES640, RES640L, RES800, RES1024, RES1280, WHICHVGA EXAMPLE /* * set video mode to 320x200x256 */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(); res320(); drwstring(1,7,0,"this is the 320x200x256 video mode...",0,0); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 151 RES640 PROTOTYPE extern int far res640 (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT RES640 returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. USAGE RES640 sets the video mode to 640x480 graphics mode with 256 colors. This function requires that a Super VGA card with at least 512K of video memory be present. Also, WHICHVGA must be called first or the function will fail without changing the video mode. If the video card does not have sufficient memory, RES640 will return without changing the video mode. SEE ALSO RES320, RES640L, RES800, RES1024, RES1280, WHICHVGA EXAMPLE /* * set video mode to 640x480x256 */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512 ) exit(1); res640(); drwstring(1,7,0,"this is the 640x480x256 video mode...",0,0); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 152 RES640L PROTOTYPE extern int far res640l (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT RES640L returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. USAGE RES640L sets the video mode to 640x400 graphics mode with 256 colors. This function requires that a Super VGA card with at least 256K of video memory be present. Also, WHICHVGA must be called first or the function will fail without changing the video mode. If the video card does not have sufficient memory, RES640L will return without changing the video mode. Note: The 640x400 is an uncommon resolution. Many SVGA cards do not support this mode. SEE ALSO RES320, RES640, RES800, RES1024, RES1280, WHICHVGA EXAMPLE /* * set video mode to 640x400x256 */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); res640l(); drwstring(1,7,0,"this is the 640x400x256 video mode...",0,0); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 153 RES800 PROTOTYPE extern int far res800 (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT RES800 returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. USAGE RES800 sets the video mode to 800x600 graphics mode with 256 colors. This function requires that a Super VGA card with at least 512K of video memory be present. Also, WHICHVGA must be called first or the function will fail without changing the video mode. If the video card does not have sufficient memory, RES800 will return without changing the video mode. SEE ALSO RES320, RES640, RES640L, RES1024, RES1280, WHICHVGA EXAMPLE /* * set video mode to 800x600x256 */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512 ) exit(1); res800(); drwstring(1,7,0,"this is the 800x600x256 video mode...",0,0); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 154 RES1024 PROTOTYPE extern int far res1024 (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT RES1024 returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. USAGE RES1024 sets the video mode to 1024x768 graphics mode with 256 colors. This function requires that a Super VGA card with at least 1 Megabyte of video memory be present. Also, WHICHVGA must be called first or the function will fail without changing the video mode. If the video card does not have sufficient memory, RES1024 will return without changing the video mode. SEE ALSO RES320, RES640, RES640L, RES800, RES1280, WHICHVGA EXAMPLE /* * set video mode to 1024x768x256 */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 1024 ) exit(1); res1024(); drwstring(1,7,0,"this is the 1024x768x256 video mode...",0,0); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 155 RES1280 PROTOTYPE extern int far res1280 (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT RES1280 returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. USAGE RES1280 sets the video mode to 1280x1024 graphics mode with 256 colors. This function requires that a Super VGA card with at least 2 Megabytes of video memory be present. Also, WHICHVGA must be called first or the function will fail without changing the video mode. If the video card does not have sufficient memory, RES1280 will return without changing the video mode. SEE ALSO RES320, RES640, RES640L, RES800, RES1024, WHICHVGA EXAMPLE /* * set video mode to 1280x1024x256 */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 2048 ) exit(1); res1024(); drwstring(1,7,0,"this is the 1280x1024x256 video mode...",0,0); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 156 RESTEXT PROTOTYPE extern int far restext (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT RESTEXT always returns a 1. USAGE RESTEXT sets video mode three which is the industry standard 80x25 text mode. SEE ALSO VIDEOMODEGET, VIDEOMODESET EXAMPLE /* * set video mode to standard DOS text mode 3 */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !restext() ) exit(1); printf("this is the text video mode (DOS video mode 3)..."); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 157 SCROLLDN PROTOTYPE extern void far scrolldn (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int num, int colr) INPUT x1, y1 - top left corner of block x2, y2 - bottom right corner of block num - number of pixels to shift colr - index to color in current palette OUTPUT no value returned USAGE SCROLLDN shifts the contents of the box described by (x1, y1) - (x2, y2) down by the number of pixels specified by num. The empty pixels created at the top of the box are filled with colr. The pixels that are shifted out of the box are lost. SCROLLDN enforces x2 x1 and y2y1. When placed within a loop, SCROLLDN will create a scrolling effect. SEE ALSO SCROLLLT, SCROLLRT, SCROLLUP EXAMPLE /* * scroll some text down */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, i; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); res640(); drwbox (1,10,0,0,100,100); drwstring(1,7,0,"text text",20,43); for(i=0;i<40;i++) { scrolldn(1,1,99,99,1,0); 158 sdelay(2); } getch(); videomodeset(vmode); } 159 SCROLLLT PROTOTYPE extern void far scrolllt (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int num, int colr) INPUT x1, y1 - top left corner of block x2, y2 - bottom right corner of block num - number of pixels to shift colr - index to color in current palette OUTPUT no value returned USAGE SCROLLLT shifts the contents of the box described by (x1, y1) - (x2, y2) down by the number of pixels specified by num. The empty pixels created at the right of the box are filled with colr. The pixels that are shifted out of the box are lost. SCROLLLT enforces x2 x1 and y2y1. When placed within a loop, SCROLLRT will create a scrolling effect. SEE ALSO SCROLLDN, SCROLLRT, SCROLLUP EXAMPLE /* * scroll some text left */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, i; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); res640(); drwbox (1,10,0,0,100,100); drwstring(1,7,0,"text text",20,43); for(i=0;i<40;i++) { scrolllt(1,1,99,99,1,0); 160 sdelay(2); } getch(); videomodeset(vmode); } 161 SCROLLRT PROTOTYPE extern void far scrollrt (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int num, int colr) INPUT x1, y1 - top left corner of block x2, y2 - bottom right corner of block num - number of pixels to shift colr - index to color in current palette OUTPUT no value returned USAGE SCROLLRT shifts the contents of the box described by (x1, y1) - (x2, y2) down by the number of pixels specified by num. The empty pixels created at the left of the box are filled with colr. The pixels that are shifted out of the box are lost. SCROLLRT enforces x2 x1 and y2y1. When placed within a loop, SCROLLRT will create a scrolling effect. SEE ALSO SCROLLDN, SCROLLLT, SCROLLUP EXAMPLE /* * scroll some text right */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, i; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); res640(); drwbox (1,10,0,0,100,100); drwstring(1,7,0,"text text",20,43); for(i=0;i<40;i++) { scrollrt(1,1,99,99,1,0); 162 sdelay(2); } getch(); videomodeset(vmode); } 163 SCROLLUP PROTOTYPE extern void far scrollup (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int num, int colr) INPUT x1, y1 - top left corner of block x2, y2 - bottom right corner of block num - number of pixels to shift colr - index to color in current palette OUTPUT no value returned USAGE SCROLLUP shifts the contents of the box described by (x1, y1) - (x2, y2) down by the number of pixels specified by num. The empty pixels created at the bottom of the box are filled with colr. The pixels that are shifted out of the box are lost. SCROLLUP enforces x2 x1 and y2y1. When placed within a loop, SCROLLUP will create a scrolling effect. SEE ALSO SCROLLDN, SCROLLLT, SCROLLRT EXAMPLE /* * scroll some text up */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, i; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); res640(); drwbox (1,10,0,0,100,100); drwstring(1,7,0,"text text",20,43); for(i=0;i<40;i++) { scrollup(1,1,99,99,1,0); 164 sdelay(2); } getch(); videomodeset(vmode); } 165 SDELAY PROTOTYPE extern void far sdelay (int count) INPUT count - number of vertical syncs to wait OUTPUT no value returned USAGE SDELAY pauses execution of the program for a period of time specified by count. This delay remains approximately constant on all machines by using the vertical sync timer of the VGA graphics card which is about 60 - 70 Hz. EXAMPLE /* * make a delay of about 3 seconds long */ #include #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { time_t starttime; time_t endtime; printf("ok...stating delay...should be about 3 seconds..."); time( &starttime); sdelay(195); time( &endtime); printf("total time was: %d seconds...", endtime-starttime); exit(0); } 166 SETCARD PROTOTYPE extern void far setcard (VGAChipset chip, int mem) INPUT chip - code for SVGA chip type mem - amount of video memory installed OUTPUT no value returned USAGE WARNING: USING SETCARD IMPROPERLY MAY CAUSE A SYSTEM FAILURE OR DAMAGE. SETCARD sets the card type and installed video memory. It can be used instead of the WHICHVGA function. However, specifying an incorrect chip type or installed video memory may cause unpredictable results not excluding damage to the SVGA card and/or monitor. Extreme caution is advised when using this function. It is recommended that this function only be used when it is suspected that the identification process in WHICHVGA failed. Be absolutely certain that the chip type specified is the actual chip type installed in the computer. Mem should be a value of 256, 512 or 1024 representing the kilobytes of video memory installed. Use the following table to identify chip types: 1 Acumos AVGA2/3 SuperVGA 2 ATI Technologies 18/28/38/68800 SuperVGA 3 Ahead V5000 ver A SuperVGA 4 Ahead V5000 ver B SuperVGA 5 Chips and Technologies 82C45x SuperVGA 6 Cirrus Logic CL-GD 5xx, 6xx, 28xx, 54xx, 62xx SuperVGA 7 Everex Micro Enhancer Ev236/6xx SuperVGA 8 Genoa 61/62/63/64/6600 SuperVGA 9 NCR 77C21/22/22E/22E+ SuperVGA 10 Oak Technologies OTI-037C/067/077/087 SuperVGA 11 Paradise/Western Digital PVGA1A, WD90C00/1x/2x/3x SuperVGA 12 Realtek RT3106 SuperVGA 13 Trident 8800CS, 8900B/C/CL/CX, 90x0 SuperVGA 14 Tseng Labs ET3000-AX/BX/BP SuperVGA 15 Tseng Labs ET4000/W32/W32I SuperVGA 16 VESA compatible SuperVGA 167 17 Video 7 HT-208/16 SuperVGA 18 Avance Logic AL2101 SuperVGA 19 MXIC MX68000/10 SuperVGA 20 Primus P2000 SuperVGA SEE ALSO WHICHVGA EXAMPLE /* !WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!WARNI NG! */ /* */ /* USE THE "SETCARD" FUNCTION CAREFULLY. IT WORKS AROUND "WHICHVGA". */ /* IMPROPER USE (I.E. SETTING THE CARD ID AND MEMORY TO SOMETHING */ /* THAT IS NOT VALID) MIGHT DAMAGE YOUR VIDEO CARD/VIDEO MONITOR OR */ /* CAUSE UNPREDICTABLE RESULTS. IT IS PROVIDED AS A METHOD TO FIND */ /* FAULTS IN THE VIDEO CARD/CHIP ID PROCESS. */ /* */ /* !WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!WARNI NG! */ 168 SETVIEW PROTOTYPE extern void far setview (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) INPUT x1, y1 - top, left corner of view port x2, y2 - bottom, right corner of view port OUTPUT no value returned USAGE SETVIEW defines a viewport for clipping output on the screen. Nothing can be drawn outside of the currently defined viewport. The RES### functions set the viewport to the full screen. The restrictions on X1, Y1, X2 and Y2 are as follows: 0 X1 < X2 (screen width) 0 Y1 < Y2 (32767, effectively unbounded) SEE ALSO RES320, RES640, RES640L, RES800, RES1024, RES1280 EXAMPLE /* * draws a lines clipped to a view port */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" #define randnum(size) (rand() % (int)(size)) void main(void) { int vmode, i, x1, y1, x2, y2; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() || (whichmem() < 512)) exit(1); res640(); drwbox(1,15,101,101,538,378); setview(101,101,538,378); for(i=0;i<300;i++) { x1 = randnum(640); y1 = randnum(480); x2 = randnum(640); 169 y2 = randnum(480); drwline(1,10,x1,y1,x2,y2); } getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 170 SPRITECOLLDETECT PROTOTYPE extern int far spritecolldetect (int transcolr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, RasterBlock far *sprite1, RasterBlock far *sprite2) INPUT transcolr - index to color in current palette x1, y1 - location of top, left corner of sprite number 1 x2, y2 - location of top, left corner of sprite number 2 sprite1 - sprite number 1 sprite2 - sprite number 2 OUTPUT SPRITECOLLDETECT returns the collision status of the two sprites. USAGE SPRITECOLLDETECT is used in sprite graphics or animation to report the collision status between two sprites. Sprite1 contains the first sprite which should have been previously defined by BLKGET or similar function. Sprite2, likewise, contains the second sprite. The top, left corner of the first and second sprites' locations are specified by x1, y1 and x2, y2, respectively. SPRITECOLLDETECT will return a zero if the sprites are not colliding and the blocks are not overlapping. The return will be one if the blocks overlap, but the sprites are not colliding. A return value of two indicates that the sprites have at least one overlapping pixel and are, therefore, colliding. SEE ALSO BLKGET, BLKPUT, GETLASTSTRING, SPRITEGAP, SPRITEGET, SPRITEPUT EXAMPLE /* * shows how spritecolldetect works */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { 171 int vmode, ret, i, x1, y1, x2, y2; char text[70]; RasterBlock *sprite1data, *sprite2data; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); res320(); x1 = 0; y1 = 0; x2 = 48; y2 = 48; drwline(1,8,x1,y1,x2,y1); drwline(1,8,x2,y1,x2,y2); drwline(1,8,x2,y2,x1,y2); drwline(1,8,x1,y2,x1,y1); fillarea(x1+1,y1+1,8,8); drwellipse(1,10,((x2-x1)/2+x1),((y2-y1)/2+y1),(x2-x1)/2,(y2- y1)/2); sprite1data = (RasterBlock *)malloc((x2-x1+1)*(y2-y1+1)+4); blkget(x1,y1,x2,y2,sprite1data); blkput(2,x1,y1,sprite1data); x1 = 0; y1 = 0; x2 = 24; y2 = 24; drwline(1,8,x1,y1,x2,y1); drwline(1,8,x2,y1,x2,y2); drwline(1,8,x2,y2,x1,y2); drwline(1,8,x1,y2,x1,y1); fillarea(x1+1,y1+1,8,8); drwline(1,10,x1,y1,x2,y2); drwline(1,10,x2,y1,x1,y2); sprite2data = (RasterBlock *)malloc((x2-x1+1)*(y2-y1+1)+4); blkget(x1,y1,x2,y2,sprite2data); blkput(2,x1,y1,sprite2data); x1=90; y1=90; blkput(2,x1,y1,sprite1data); for(i=30;i<150;i++) { blkput(2,i,i,sprite2data); ret = spritecolldetect(8,x1,y1,i,i,sprite1data,sprite2data); sprintf(text,"the return value is: %d",ret); drwstring(1,7,0,text,0,0); getch(); blkput(2,i,i,sprite2data); } videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 172 SPRITEGAP PROTOTYPE extern void far spritegap (int transcolr, int x, int y, RasterBlock far *sprite, RasterBlock far *spritebkgnd) INPUT transcolr - index to color in current palette x, y - top, left corner of block sprite- the sprite to place on screen OUTPUT no value returned spritebkgnd - sprite background USAGE SPRITEGAP ("Sprite-Get-And-Put") is used in sprite graphics or animation to retrieve a sprite's background and then display the sprite. Sprite contains the sprite which should have been previously defined by BLKGET or similar function such as GETLASTSTRING. Transcolr is the transparent colr assumed in sprite. Spritebkgnd, a pointer to a RasterBlock structure the same size as the sprite, will receive the sprite's background. The top, left corner of the sprite's location is specified by x, y. SEE ALSO BLKGET, BLKPUT, GETLASTSTRING, SPRITECOLLDETECT, SPRITEGET, SPRITEPUT EXAMPLE /* * Show spritegap */ #include #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; int i, j, colr, xinc, yinc, x1, y1, x2, y2, cnt, cntx, cnty, rot; RasterBlock *gfxblk, *gfxblk2, *spritebkgnd; vmode = videomodeget(); 173 if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); xinc = maxx/20; yinc = maxy/20; x1 = maxx/2-xinc; y1 = maxy/2-yinc; x2 = maxx/2+xinc; y2 = maxy/2+yinc; i = (x2-x1+1)*(y2-y1+1)+4; gfxblk = (RasterBlock *)malloc(i); if (!gfxblk) { restext(); printf("ERROR: Allocating memory for gfxblk: %d bytes\n",i); exit(1); } colr = 1; for(i=0;i<=maxx/2;i++) { drwcircle(1,colr,maxx/4+i,maxy/2,maxy/5); colr+=1; if(colr>15) colr = 1; } drwbox(1,0,x1,y1,x2,y2); blkget(x1,y1,x2,y2,gfxblk); cntx = (x2-x1) / 2 + x1; cnty = (y2-y1) / 2 + y1; fillarea(x1+2,y1+2,0,0); i = blkrotatesize(45,gfxblk); spritebkgnd = (RasterBlock *)malloc(i); if (!spritebkgnd) { restext(); printf("ERROR: Allocating memory for spritebkgnd: %d bytes\n",i); exit(1); } gfxblk2 = (RasterBlock *)malloc(i); if (!gfxblk2) { restext(); printf("ERROR: Allocating memory for gfxblk2: %d bytes\n",i); exit(1); } blkget(x1,y1,x2,y2,spritebkgnd); setview(0,64,maxx,maxy); for(i=0;i<=360;i+=3) { rot = blkrotate(i,1,gfxblk,gfxblk2); spriteput(SET,1,cntx-(spritebkgnd->width)/2,cnty- (spritebkgnd->height)/2,spritebkgnd); 174 spritegap(1,cntx-(gfxblk2->width)/2,cnty-(gfxblk2- >height)/2,gfxblk2,spritebkgnd); sdelay(3); } spriteput(SET,1,cntx-(spritebkgnd->width)/2,cnty- (spritebkgnd->height)/2,spritebkgnd); blkput(SET,x1,y1,(RasterBlock *)gfxblk); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 175 SPRITEGET PROTOTYPE extern void far spriteget (int transcolr, int x, int y, RasterBlock far *sprite, RasterBlock far *spritebkgnd) INPUT transcolr - index to color in current palette x, y - top, left corner of block sprite - sprite to use as pattern OUTPUT no value returned spritebkgnd - sprite background USAGE SPRITEGET is used in sprite graphics or animation to retrieve the background for a sprite, normally just before using SPRITEPUT. Sprite contains the sprite which should have been previously defined by BLKGET or similar function. Transcolr is the transparent color assumed in the sprite. Spritebkgnd, a pointer to a RasterBlock structure the same size as the sprite, will receive the sprite's background. The top, left corner of the sprite's location is specified by x, y. SEE ALSO BLKGET, BLKPUT, GETLASTSTRING, SPRITECOLLDETECT, SPRITEGAP, SPRITEPUT EXAMPLE /* * Show spriteget */ #include #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, i, j, colr, xinc, yinc, x1, y1, x2, y2, cntx, cnty, rot; RasterBlock *gfxblk, *gfxblk2, *spritebkgnd; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) 176 exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); xinc = maxx/20; yinc = maxy/20; x1 = maxx/2-xinc; y1 = maxy/2-yinc; x2 = maxx/2+xinc; y2 = maxy/2+yinc; i = (x2-x1+1)*(y2-y1+1)+4; gfxblk = (RasterBlock *)malloc(i); if (!gfxblk) { restext(); printf("ERROR: Allocating memory for gfxblk: %d bytes\n",i); exit(1); } colr = 1; for(i=0;i<=maxx/2;i++) { drwcircle(1,colr,maxx/4+i,maxy/2,maxy/5); colr+=1; if(colr>15) colr = 1; } drwbox(1,0,x1,y1,x2,y2); blkget(x1,y1,x2,y2,gfxblk); cntx = (x2-x1) / 2 + x1; cnty = (y2-y1) / 2 + y1; fillarea(x1+2,y1+2,0,0); i = blkrotatesize(45,gfxblk); spritebkgnd = (RasterBlock *)malloc(i); if (!spritebkgnd) { restext(); printf("ERROR: Allocating memory for spritebkgnd: %d bytes\n",i); exit(1); } gfxblk2 = (RasterBlock *)malloc(i); if (!gfxblk2) { restext(); printf("ERROR: Allocating memory for gfxblk2: %d bytes\n",i); exit(1); } blkget(x1,y1,x2,y2,spritebkgnd); setview(0,64,maxx,maxy); for(i=0;i<=360;i+=3) { rot = blkrotate(i,1,gfxblk,gfxblk2); spriteput(SET,1,cntx-(spritebkgnd->width)/2,cnty- (spritebkgnd->height)/2,spritebkgnd); spriteget(1,cntx-(gfxblk2->width)/2,cnty-(gfxblk2- >height)/2,gfxblk2,spritebkgnd); spriteput(SET,1,cntx-(gfxblk2->width)/2,cnty-(gfxblk2- >height)/2,gfxblk2); 177 sdelay(3); } spriteput(SET,1,cntx-(spritebkgnd->width)/2,cnty- (spritebkgnd->height)/2,spritebkgnd); blkput(SET,x1,y1,(RasterBlock *)gfxblk); getch(); videomodeset(vmode); exit(0); } 178 SPRITEPUT PROTOTYPE extern void far spriteput (PixelMode mode, int transcolr, int x, int y, RasterBlock far *sprite) INPUT mode - pixel write mode transcolr - index to color in current palette x, y - top, left corner of block sprite- sprite to place on screen OUTPUT no value returned USAGE SPRITEPUT is used in sprite graphics or animation to display a sprite or, more commonly, its background. Sprite contains the sprite which should have been previously defined by BLKGET, SPRITEGAP or SPRITEGET. Transcolr is the transparent color assumed in sprite. The top, left corner of the sprite's location is specified by x, y. SEE ALSO BLKGET, BLKPUT, GETLASTSTRING, SPRITECOLLDETECT, SPRITEGAP, SPRITEGET EXAMPLE See SPRITEGET 179 VIDEOMODEGET PROTOTYPE extern int far videomodeget (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT the current video mode USAGE VIDEOMODEGET returns the current video mode. This function is best used to retrieve the video mode being used when a program begins. When the program ends, this video mode can then be restored using VIDEOMODESET. SEE ALSO RES320, RES640, RES640L, RES800, RES1024, RES1280, RESTEXT, VIDEOMODESET EXAMPLE /* * save the current video mode, enable 640x480x256, and reset the video mode */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; vmode = videomodeget(); if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( whichmem() < 512) exit(1); res640(); videomodeset(vmode); printf("we are back!"); getch(); exit(0); } 180 VIDEOMODESET PROTOTYPE extern void far videomodeset (int videomode) INPUT mode - number of video mode OUTPUT no value returned USAGE VIDEOMODESET sets the video mode specified by mode. This function is best used at the end of a program to restore the video mode to the mode in use when the program began. The program should retrieve the video mode at the beginning by using VIDEOMODEGET. SEE ALSO RES320, RES640, RES640L, RES800, RES1024, RES1280, RESTEXT, VIDEOMODEGET EXAMPLE See VIDEMODEGET 181 VIDEOOFF PROTOTYPE extern void far videooff (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT no value returned USAGE VIDEOOFF turns the output display off. Graphics may still be drawn to the screen. However, the computer's monitor will display nothing and appear black. This function can be used to hide graphics being drawn by initially using VIDEOOFF and then later calling VIDEOON. SEE ALSO VIDEOON EXAMPLE /* * disable the video for about 3 seconds, then enable it */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; printf("press a key to disable video for 3 seconds..."); getch(); videooff(); sdelay(195); videoon(); videomodeset(vmode); printf("we are back!"); getch(); exit(0); } 182 VIDEOON PROTOTYPE extern void far videoon (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT no value returned USAGE VIDEOON turns the display on. All graphics that were drawn while the display was off are now visible. This function can be used to hide graphics being drawn by initially using VIDEOOFF and then later calling VIDEOON. SEE ALSO VIDEOOFF EXAMPLE See VIDEOOFF 183 WHICHCPU PROTOTYPE extern int far whichcpu (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT processor type USAGE WHICHCPU returns the computer's processor type as 86, 286, 386, 486 or 586. This function should be called by any program using this library's routines to insure that the computer is at least 386 compatible or better. SEE ALSO WHICHJOYSTICK, WHICHMOUSE, WHICHVGA EXAMPLE /* * id the microprocessor */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode; int cpu; cpu = whichcpu(); printf("Microprocessor is identified as an 80%d.\n", cpu); getch(); exit(0); } 184 WHICHJOYSTICK PROTOTYPE extern int far whichjoystick (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT available joystick support USAGE WHICHJOYSTICK returns the joystick support available on the computer. This function should be called prior to use of the joysticks to verify that joysticks are available. If the function returns a -1, there is no joystick port present or no BIOS support for a joystick. Joystick A is bit 1 and B is bit 2. Therefore, a return value of 1 means joystick A is available, a value of 2 means B is available and a value of 3 means both are available. If no bits are set, there are no joysticks present. SEE ALSO JOYSTICKINFO, WHICHCPU, WHICHMOUSE, WHICHVGA EXAMPLE /* id any joysticks */ #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, joystick; joystick = whichjoystick(); switch (joystick) { case -1: printf("No joystick port detected or no joystick BIOS support present.\n\n"); break; case 0: printf("No joystick detected\n\n"); break; case 1: printf("Joystick A is present and available.\n\n"); break; case 2: printf("Joystick B is present and available.\n\n"); 185 break; case 3: printf("Both Joystick A and Joystick B are present.\n\n"); break; } } 186 WHICHMEM PROTOTYPE extern int far whichmem (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT installed video memory in kilobytes USAGE WHICHMEM returns the amount of installed video memory as previously determined by WHICHVGA. WHICHVGA should be called prior to WHICHMEM. This function should be called prior to any of the RES### functions to verify that there is enough memory to support the desired resolution. If SETCARD was used to set the video card and memory, WHICHMEM will return the amount of memory as defined by SETCARD. SEE ALSO RES320, RES640, RES640L, RES800, RES1024, RES1280, SETCARD, WHICHVGA EXAMPLE /* * id the video memory */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int vmode, vga, mem; vga = whichvga(); mem = whichmem(); printf("Installed video memory is %d k.\n", mem); getch(); exit(0); } 187 WHICHMOUSE PROTOTYPE extern int far whichmouse (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT number of buttons on mouse USAGE WHICHMOUSE returns a value indicating whether a Microsoft compatible mouse is available. If the function returns a 0, no mouse is available. A non zero value indicates a mouse and Microsoft compatible driver are installed and gives the number of buttons (2 or 3) available. SEE ALSO MOUSEINFO, WHICHCPU, WHICHJOYSTICK, WHICHVGA EXAMPLE See MOUSEINFO 188 WHICHVGA PROTOTYPE extern VGAChipset far whichvga (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT WHICHVGA returns a code identifying the video card. USAGE WHICHVGA identifies the video card installed and the amount of video memory. In addition this function sets up the default font and mouse cursor. This function must be called before any other graphics function. The code returned identifies the video card according to the following table: 1 Acumos AVGA2/3 SuperVGA 2 ATI Technologies 18/28/38/68800 SuperVGA 3 Ahead V5000 ver A SuperVGA 4 Ahead V5000 ver B SuperVGA 5 Chips and Technologies 82C45x SuperVGA 6 Cirrus Logic CL-GD 5xx, 6xx, 28xx, 54xx, 62xx SuperVGA 7 Everex Micro Enhancer Ev236/6xx SuperVGA 8 Genoa 61/62/63/64/6600 SuperVGA 9 NCR 77C21/22/22E/22E+ SuperVGA 10 Oak Technologies OTI-037C/067/077/087 SuperVGA 11 Paradise/Western Digital PVGA1A, WD90C00/1x/2x/3x SuperVGA 12 Realtek RT3106 SuperVGA 13 Trident 8800CS, 8900B/C/CL/CX, 90x0 SuperVGA 14 Tseng Labs ET3000-AX/BX/BP SuperVGA 15 Tseng Labs ET4000/W32/W32I SuperVGA 16 VESA compatible SuperVGA 17 Video 7 HT-208/16 SuperVGA 18 Avance Logic AL2101 SuperVGA 19 MXIC MX68000/10 SuperVGA 20 Primus P2000 SuperVGA Any value returned not found on this table represents an unidentified video card. No graphics functions should be called unless the video card is properly identified. 189 SEE ALSO SETCARD, WHICHCPU, WHICHJOYSTICK, WHICHMOUSE, WHICHMEM EXAMPLE /* * id the svga */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { char buf[40]; switch(whichvga()) { case ACUMOS: sprintf(buf,"Acumos AVGA2/3 SuperVGA"); break; case ATI: sprintf(buf,"ATI Technologies 18/28/38/68800 SuperVGA"); break; case AHEADA: sprintf(buf,"Ahead V5000 Ver A SuperVGA"); break; case AHEADB: sprintf(buf,"Ahead V5000 Ver B SuperVGA"); break; case CHIPSTECH: sprintf(buf,"Chips and Technologies 82C450/1/2/3/5/6/7 SuperVGA"); break; case CIRRUS: sprintf(buf,"Cirrus Logic CL-GD 5xx,6xx,28xx,54xx,62xx SuperVGA"); break; case EVEREX: sprintf(buf,"Everex EV236/6xx Micro Enhancer SuperVGA"); break; case GENOA: sprintf(buf,"Genoa 61/62/63/64/6600 SuperVGA"); break; case NCR: sprintf(buf,"NCR 77C21/22/22E/22E+ SuperVGA"); break; case OAKTECH: sprintf(buf,"Oak Technologies OTI-037/67/77/87C SuperVGA"); break; 190 case PARADISE: sprintf(buf,"Paradise/Western Digital PVGA1A,WD90C00/1x/2x/3x SuperVGA"); break; case REALTEK: sprintf(buf,"Realtek RT3106 SuperVGA"); break; case TRIDENT: sprintf(buf,"Trident 8800CS,8900B/C/CL/CX,90x0 SuperVGA"); break; case TSENG3: sprintf(buf,"Tseng Labs ET3000-AX/BX/BP SuperVGA"); break; case TSENG4: sprintf(buf,"Tseng Labs ET4000/W32/W32I SuperVGA"); break; case VESA: sprintf(buf,"VESA compatible SuperVGA"); break; case VIDEO7: sprintf(buf,"Video 7 HT-208/16 SuperVGA"); break; case AVANCE: sprintf(buf,"Avance Logic AL2101 SuperVGA"); break; case MXIC: sprintf(buf,"MXIC MX68000/10 SuperVGA"); break; case PRIMUS: sprintf(buf,"Primus P2000 SuperVGA"); break; default: printf("Sorry, unable to identify video card or it is not a SuperVGA video adapter.\n"); exit(0); } printf("Video card/chip is identified as %s.\n",&buf); exit(0); } 191 WHICHXMS PROTOTYPE extern int far whichxms (unsigned int far *xmskbytesavail, unsigned int far *xmshandlesavail) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT WHICHXMS returns a 1 if extended memory support is detected, 0 otherwise. xmskbytesavail - number of free kilobytes in extended memory xmshandlesavail - number of available free handles USAGE WHICHXMS detects the existence of extended memory support and sets up the library function calls. This function must be called before any other extended memory functions. WHICHXMS also returns the number of free kilobytes of extended memory and the number of available handles. The number of available handles is limited, normally to 32. This limit can be modified by changing the extended memory driver (Microsoft's HIMEM.SYS is the most common) command line in the CONFIG.SYS file. SEE ALSO XMSALLOCATE, XMSCOPY, XMSERROR, XMSFREE, XMSGET, XMSPUT EXAMPLE /* * show what xms memory is available */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int er, mem, handles; if ( whichxms(&mem,&handles) ) { printf("an active xms memory manager was found!\n"); printf("a total of %d kb of xms memory available...\n",mem); printf("a total of %d xms memory handles available...\n",handles); 192 printf(" \n"); if ((mem < 1) || (handles < 1)) { printf("sorry...there is either no free xms or\n"); printf("no free handles\n"); printf(" \n"); printf("xms support not available...\n"); exit(1); } else { printf(" \n"); printf("xms support is ready and available!\n"); exit(1); } } else { printf(" active xms memory manager found...\n"); printf("make sure you have an xms memory manager\n"); printf("(such as HIMEM.SYS) loaded\n"); printf(" \n"); printf("xms support not available...\n"); exit(1); } exit(0); } 193 XMSALLOCATE PROTOTYPE extern int far xmsallocate (unsigned int reqkbytes) INPUT reqkbytes - requested number of kilobytes of extended memory OUTPUT XMSALLOCATE returns the assigned memory handle if the allocation is successful, 0 otherwise. USAGE XMSALLOCATE attempts to allocate the requested number of kilobytes in extended memory. If successful, the function returns the handle of the new memory block. If the function returns zero, then the allocation was unsuccessful; check XMSERROR for error codes. All allocated blocks must be freed using XMSFREE before a program terminates or the memory is lost until the machine is rebooted. Simply exiting a program will not free allocated extended memory blocks. SEE ALSO WHICHXMS, XMSCOPY, XMSERROR, XMSFREE, XMSGET, XMSPUT, XMSSCREENGET, XMSSCREENPUT EXAMPLE See XMSCOPY 194 XMSBLKGET PROTOTYPE extern int far xmsblkget (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) INPUT x1, y1 - top left corner of block x2, y2 - bottom right corner of block OUTPUT Used as a function, XMSBLKGET returns the assigned XMS memory handle if successful, 0 otherwise. USAGE XMSBLKGET stores the pixel data contained within the block defined by (x1, y1)-(x2, y2) in extended memory. A minimum of 32k of XMS memory will be allocated regardless of the size of the graphics block. Note that XMSBLKGET enforces x2>x1 and y2>y1. Also, the coordinates must be valid on the screen at the current resolution. The bitmap is stored such that the first integer in the allocated XMS block is the width and the second integer is the height. These are followed by a long integer (4 bytes) that specifies the total size of the allocated XMS block. The remaining bytes are the bitmap raster data stored by rows starting at the top of the block. If the function was unsuccessful, check XMSERROR for error codes. All allocated XMS blocks must be freed using XMSFREE before a program terminates or the memory is lost until the machine is rebooted. Simply exiting a program will not free allocated extended memory blocks. SEE ALSO BLKGET, BLKPUT, XMSBLKPUT, XMSERROR, XMSFREE, XMSSCREENGET, XMSSCREENPUT EXAMPLE /* * this will copy a larger graphics block (about 80k) * from one part of the screen to another using xms memory */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" #define randnum(size) (rand() % (int)(size)) 195 void main(void) { int i, handle, er, mem, handles,x1,y1,x2,y2,colr; /* make sure xms is ready and available */ if ( whichxms(&mem,&handles) ) { if ((mem < 1) || (handles < 1)) { printf("sorry...there is either no free xms or\n"); printf("no free handles\n"); exit(1); } } else { printf(" active xms memory manager found...\n"); printf("make sure you have an xms memory manager\n"); printf("(such as HIMEM.SYS) loaded\n"); exit(1); } if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); drwfillbox(SET,10,0,0,200,400); for(i=0;i<=200;i++) { x1 = randnum(200); y1 = randnum(400); x2 = randnum(200); y2 = randnum(400); colr = randnum(16); drwline(1,colr,x1,y1,x2,y2); } drwbox(SET,15,0,0,200,400); handle = xmsblkget(0,0,200,400); if ( !handle ) { printf("opps there is some error...unable to allocate xms...\n"); printf("error # %d\n",xmserror()); er = xmsfree(handle); exit(1); } er = xmsblkput(SET,175,75,handle); er = xmsfree(handle); getch(); restext(); exit(0); } 196 XMSBLKPUT PROTOTYPE extern int far xmsblkput (int mode, int x, int y, int srcxmshandle) INPUT mode - pixel write mode (SET=1, XOR=2, OR=3, AND=4) x, y - location for top left corner of block srcxmshandle - handle of source extended memory block OUTPUT Used as a function, XMSBLKPUT returns a 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. USAGE XMSBLKPUT places the pixel data contained in XMS memory referenced by srcxmshandle on the screen. The top, left corner of the block is specified by (x, y). Any (x, y) is acceptable and any portion of the block that lies outside of the currently defined viewport will not be drawn. If the function was unsuccessful, check XMSERROR for error codes. All allocated XMS blocks must be freed using XMSFREE before a program terminates or the memory is lost until the machine is rebooted. Simply exiting a program will not free allocated extended memory blocks. SEE ALSO BLKGET, BLKPUT, XMSBLKGET, XMSERROR, XMSFREE, XMSSCREENGET, XMSSCREENPUT EXAMPLE See XMSBLKGET 197 XMSCOPY PROTOTYPE extern int far xmscopy (int xmssrchandle, long srcoffset, int xmsdesthandle, long destoffset, unsigned long count) INPUT xmssrchandle - handle of source extended memory block srcoffset - number of bytes from beginning of source memory block xmsdesthandle - handle of destination extended memory block destoffset - number of bytes from beginning of destination memory block count - number of bytes to copy from source to destination (must be even) OUTPUT XMSCOPY returns a 1 if copy was successful, 0 otherwise. USAGE XMSCOPY copies the number of bytes specified in count from the source extended memory block to the destination extended memory block. Count must be an even number. The copy may begin and/or end offset from the beginning of the source and destination blocks by passing non zero values in srcoffset and/or destoffset. The copy will occur faster if both offsets are divisible by four. If the copy was unsuccessful, check XMSERROR for error codes. SEE ALSO WHICHXMS, XMSALLOCATE, XMSERROR, XMSFREE, XMSGET, XMSPUT EXAMPLE /* * show xms functions: this will copy one array into one * xms block, copy that xms block to a second xms block, * and then copy that second xms block to another array */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" void main(void) { int i, handle1, handle2, er, mem, handles; int test1[10], test2[10]; 198 /* make sure xms is ready and available */ if ( whichxms(&mem,&handles) ) { if ((mem < 1) || (handles < 1)) { printf("sorry...there is either no free xms or\n"); printf("no free handles\n"); exit(1); } } else { printf(" active xms memory manager found...\n"); printf("make sure you have an xms memory manager\n"); printf("(such as HIMEM.SYS) loaded\n"); exit(1); } /* generate some data */ for(i=0;i<10;i++) { test1[i] = i; } /* allocate the first xms block */ handle1 = xmsallocate(1); if ( !handle1 ) { printf("opps there is some error...unable to allocate xms...\n"); printf("error # %d\n",xmserror()); er = xmsfree(handle1); exit(1); } /* allocate the second xms block */ handle2 = xmsallocate(1); if ( !handle2 ) { printf("opps there is some error...unable to allocate xms...\n"); printf("error # %d\n",xmserror()); er = xmsfree(handle1); er = xmsfree(handle2); exit(1); } /* copy our source array into first xms block */ er = xmsput (test1, handle1, 0, sizeof(test1)); if ( !er ) { printf("opps there is some error...see error code list...\n"); printf("error # %d\n",xmserror()); er = xmsfree(handle1); er = xmsfree(handle2); exit(1); } 199 /* copy first xms block into second xms block */ er = xmscopy (handle1, 0, handle2, 0, sizeof(test1)); if ( !er ) { printf("opps there is some error...see error code list...\n"); printf("error # %d\n",xmserror()); er = xmsfree(handle1); er = xmsfree(handle2); exit(1); } /* copy second xms block to out destination array */ er = xmsget (handle2, 0, test2, sizeof(test1)); if ( !er ) { printf("opps there is some error...see error code list...\n"); printf("error # %d\n",xmserror()); er = xmsfree(handle1); er = xmsfree(handle2); exit(1); } /* free up all the xms memory we have allocated */ er = xmsfree(handle1); er = xmsfree(handle2); /* show the results */ printf("ok...we initialized one array with data, copied that\n"); printf("array to an xms block, copied that xms block to a\n"); printf("second xms block, and finally copied the second xms\n"); printf("block into a new are the results:\n"); printf(" \n"); printf("source array destination array\n"); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { printf(" %d %d\n",test1[i],test2[i]); } exit(0); } 200 XMSERROR PROTOTYPE extern int far xmserror (void) INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT XMSERROR returns the error code from the most recent XMS function call. USAGE XMSERROR returns the error code from the most recent XMS function call. Each XMS function resets the error code to zero. Therefore, if there has been an error, the error code should be checked immediately. The error code will be one of the following: 0 no error 1 WHICHXMS has not been called 2 number of bytes to copy is zero 3 number of bytes to copy is odd 4 offset into XMS block is zero 128 Function not implemented 129 VDISK device driver was detected 142 General driver error 143 Unrecoverable driver error 146 DX is less than /HMAMIN= parameter 160 All extended memory is allocated 161 XMM handles are exhausted 162 Handle is invalid 163 Source handle is invalid 164 Source offset is invalid 165 Destination handle is invalid 166 Destination offset is invalid 201 167 Length is invalid 168 Overlap in move request is invalid 169 Parity error detected 171 Block locked SEE ALSO WHICHXMS, XMSALLOCATE, XMSBLKGET, XMSBLKPUT, XMSCOPY, XMSFREE, XMSGET, XMSPUT, XMSSCREENGET, XMSSCREENPUT EXAMPLE See XMSCOPY 202 XMSFREE PROTOTYPE extern int far xmsfree (int xmshandle) INPUT xmshandle - handle of extended memory block to free OUTPUT XMSFREE returns 1 if extended memory block was deallocated, 0 otherwise. USAGE XMSFREE deallocates the specified extended memory block. All allocated blocks must be freed before a program terminates or the memory is lost until the machine is rebooted. Simply exiting a program will not free allocated extended memory blocks. If the function was unsuccessful, check XMSERROR for error codes. SEE ALSO WHICHXMS, XMSALLOCATE, XMSBLKGET, XMSBLKPUT, XMSCOPY, XMSERROR, XMSGET, XMSPUT, XMSSCREENGET, XMSSCREENPUT EXAMPLE See XMSCOPY 203 XMSGET PROTOTYPE extern int far xmsget (int xmshandle, long offset, void far *destmem, unsigned long count) INPUT xmshandle - handle of source extended memory block offset - number of bytes from beginning of source memory block count - number of bytes to copy from extended memory to conventional memory (must be even) OUTPUT XMSGET returns 1 if the copy was successful, 0 otherwise. destmem - copy of data in conventional memory USAGE XMSGET retrieves data from extended memory and places it in conventional memory. The number of bytes copied must be an even number and cannot be larger than 65536. The copy may begin off the beginning of the source extended memory block by specifying an non zero offset. If the function was unsuccessful, check XMSERROR for error codes. SEE ALSO WHICHXMS, XMSALLOCATE, XMSCOPY, XMSERROR, XMSFREE, XMSPUT EXAMPLE See XMSCOPY 204 XMSPUT PROTOTYPE extern int far xmsput (void far *sourcemem, int xmshandle, long offset, unsigned long count) INPUT sourcemem - source data in conventional memory xmshandle - handle of destination extended memory block offset - number of bytes from beginning of destination memory block count - number of bytes to copy from conventional memory to extended memory (must be even) OUTPUT XMSPUT returns 1 if the copy was successful, 0 otherwise. USAGE XMSPUT copies data from conventional memory to extended memory. The number of bytes copied must be an even number and cannot be larger than 65536. The destination may begin off the beginning of the extended memory block by specifying an non zero offset. If the function was unsuccessful, check XMSERROR for error codes. SEE ALSO WHICHXMS, XMSALLOCATE, XMSCOPY, XMSERROR, XMSFREE, XMSGET EXAMPLE See XMSCOPY 205 XMSSCREENGET PROTOTYPE extern int far xmsscreenget () INPUT no input parameters OUTPUT Used as a function, XMSSCREENGET returns the assigned XMS memory handle if successful, 0 otherwise. USAGE XMSSCREENGET stores the pixel data contained within the entire active screen. The bitmap is stored such that the first integer in the allocated XMS block is the width and the second integer is the height. These are followed by a long integer (4 bytes) specifying the total size of the allocated XMS block. The remaining bytes are the bitmap raster data stored by rows starting at the top of the screen. Note that this function is about twice as fast as using XMSBLKGET to save the entire screen. If the function was unsuccessful, check XMSERROR for error codes. All allocated XMS blocks must be freed using XMSFREE before a program terminates or the memory is lost until the machine is rebooted. Simply exiting a program will not free allocated extended memory blocks. SEE ALSO BLKGET, BLKPUT, XMSBLKGET, XMSBLKPUT, XMSERROR, XMSFREE, XMSSCREENPUT EXAMPLE /* * this will copy the whole sreen to xms and the redraw it from xms */ #include #include #include "svgacc.h" #define randnum(size) (rand() % (int)(size)) void main(void) { int i, handle, er, mem, handles,x1,y1,x2,y2,colr; char text[]="press a key..."; 206 /* make sure xms is ready and available */ if ( whichxms(&mem,&handles) ) { if ((mem < 1) || (handles < 1)) { printf("sorry...there is either no free xms or\n"); printf("no free handles\n"); exit(1); } } else { printf(" active xms memory manager found...\n"); printf("make sure you have an xms memory manager\n"); printf("(such as HIMEM.SYS) loaded\n"); exit(1); } if ( !whichvga() ) exit(1); if ( !res640() ) exit(1); fillscreen(10); for(i=0;i<=500;i++) { x1 = randnum(maxx); y1 = randnum(maxy); x2 = randnum(maxx); y2 = randnum(maxy); colr = randnum(16); drwline(1,colr,x1,y1,x2,y2); } drwbox(SET,15,0,0,maxx,maxy); handle = xmsscreenget(); if ( !handle ) { printf("opps there is some error...unable to allocate xms...\n"); printf("error # %d\n",xmserror()); er = xmsfree(handle); exit(1); } drwstring(SET,10,0,text,0,0); getch(); fillscreen(0); drwstring(SET,10,0,text,0,0); getch(); er = xmsscreenput(handle); er = xmsfree(handle); getch(); restext(); exit(0); } 207 XMSSCREENPUT PROTOTYPE extern int far xmsblkput (int srcxmshandle) INPUT srcxmshandle - handle of source extended memory block OUTPUT Used as a function, XMSSCREENPUT returns a 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. USAGE XMSSCREENPUT places the complete screen pixel data contained in xms memory referenced by srcxmshandle on the screen. The current screen resolution must be the same as the saved screen resolution. this function is not bound by the current viewport. If the function was unsuccessful, check XMSERROR for error codes. SEE ALSO BLKGET, BLKPUT, XMSBLKGET, XMSBLKPUT, XMSERROR, XMSFREE, XMSSCREENGET EXAMPLE See XMSSCREENGET 208 APPENDIX A. SVGACC.H This is the header file containing function prototypes and structure definitions for SVGACC.LIB. This file should be included in every program module that uses this library. To properly include the header file, place the following line at the top of the every code module: #include "svgacc.h" Without these prototypes and definitions, the C/C++ compiler will be unable to compile any code module using the commands found in this library. /* SVGACC Include File for Microsoft compatible C/C++ compilers * Copyright 1993-1995 by Stephen L. Balkum and Daniel A. Sill * Zephyr Software P.O. Box 7704, Austin, Texas 78713-7704 * Last Update 1/1/95 */ #ifndef SVGACC_H #define SVGACC_H typedef unsigned char byte; typedef struct { char r; char g; char b; } RGB; typedef RGB PaletteData[256]; typedef struct { byte hotspotx; byte hotspoty; byte data[384]; } MouseCursor; typedef struct { byte width; byte height; byte data[4096]; } Font; typedef enum { NO_ACTION = 0, SET, XOR, OR, AND } PixelMode; typedef enum { 209 UNKNOWN = 0, ACUMOS, ATI, AHEADA, AHEADB, CHIPSTECH, CIRRUS, EVEREX, GENOA, NCR, OAKTECH, PARADISE, REALTEK, TRIDENT, TSENG3, TSENG4, VESA, VIDEO7, AVANCE, MXIC, PRIMUS } VGAChipset; typedef struct { unsigned int width; unsigned int height; byte data[1]; } RasterBlock; typedef struct { int x; int y; } D2Point; typedef struct { int x; int y; int z; } D3Point; typedef struct { int eyex; int eyey; int eyez; int scrd; int theta; int phi; } ProjParameters; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Global variables */ 210 extern const int far maxx; extern const int far maxy; extern const int far viewx1; extern const int far viewy1; extern const int far viewx2; extern const int far viewy2; /* 'BLocK' methods to manipulate RasterBlocks on and off the screen */ extern int far blkget (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, RasterBlock far *gfxblk); extern void far blkput (PixelMode mode, int x, int y, RasterBlock far *gfxblk); extern void far blkresize (unsigned newxsize, unsigned newysize, RasterBlock far *sourcegfxblk, RasterBlock far *destgfxblk); extern int far blkrotate (int ang, int backfill, RasterBlock far *sourcegfxblk, RasterBlock far *destgfxblk); extern int far blkrotatesize (int ang, RasterBlock far *sourcegfxblk); /* 'BYTECOPY' method for fast memory copy */ extern void far bytecopy (void far *src, void far *dst, unsigned long numbytes); /* '2D' methods to transform D2Points */ extern void far d2rotate (int points, int xorigin, int yorigin, int ang, D2Point far *inary, D2Point far *outary); extern void far d2scale (int points, int xscale, int yscale, D2Point far *inary, D2Point far *outary); extern void far d2translate (int points, int xtrans, int ytrans, D2Point far *inary, D2Point far *outary); /* '3D' methods to transform D3Points */ extern int far d3project (int points, ProjParameters far *params, D3Point far *inary, D2Point far *outary); extern void far d3rotate (int points, int xorigin, int yorigin, int zorigin, int zrang, int yrang, int xrang, D3Point far *inary, D3Point far *outary); extern void far d3scale (int points, int xscale, int yscale, int zscale, D3Point far *inary, D3Point far *outary); extern void far d3translate (int points, int xtrans, int ytrans, int ztrans, D3Point far *inary, D3Point far *outary); /* 'DRaW' methods for placing text and graphics primitives on screen */ extern void far drwaline (int colrbits, int colr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); extern void far drwbox (PixelMode mode, int colr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); 211 extern void far drwcirarc (PixelMode mode, int colr, int centerx, int centery, int radius, long startang, long endang); extern void far drwcircle (PixelMode mode, int colr, int centerx, int centery, int radius); extern void far drwcubicbezier (PixelMode mode, int colr, D2Point far *pon1, D2Point far *poff1, D2Point far *poff2, D2Point far *pon2); extern void far drwellarc (PixelMode mode, int colr, int centerx, int centery, int radiusx, int radiusy, long startang, long endang); extern void far drwellipse (PixelMode mode, int colr, int centerx, int centery, int radiusx, int radiusy); extern void far drwfillbox (PixelMode mode, int colr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); extern void far drwfillcircle (PixelMode mode, int colr, int centerx, int centery, int radius); extern void far drwfillellipse (PixelMode mode, int colr, int centerx, int centery, int radiusx, int radiusy); extern void far drwline (PixelMode mode, int colr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); extern void far drwpoint (PixelMode mode, int colr, int x, int y); extern void far drwstring (PixelMode mode, int fcolr, int bcolr, const char far *strng, int x, int y); extern void far drwstringdn (PixelMode mode, int fcolr, int bcolr, const char far *strng, int x, int y); extern void far drwstringlt (PixelMode mode, int fcolr, int bcolr, const char far *strng, int x, int y); extern void far drwstringrt (PixelMode mode, int fcolr, int bcolr, const char far *strng, int x, int y); /* 'FILL' methods for filling various regions on screen with a color */ extern void far fillarea (int xseed, int yseed, int bordercolr, int fillcolr); extern void far fillconvexpoly (int colr, int points, D2Point far *inary); extern void far fillpoly (int colr, int points, D2Point far *inary); extern void far fillcolor (int xseed, int yseed, int oldcolr, int newcolr); extern void far fillpage (int colr); extern void far fillscreen (int colr); extern void far fillview (int colr); /* 'FONT' methods for setting the current font */ extern void far fontgetinfo (int far *wdth, int far *hght); extern void far fontset (Font far *font); extern void far fontsystem (void); /* 'GET' methods to return information held by library */ 212 extern void far getlaststring (RasterBlock far *strnggfxblk); extern long far getarccos (long cosvalue); extern long far getarcsin (long sinvalue); extern long far getarctan (long tanvalue); extern long far getcos (long angle); extern int far getpoint (int x, int y); extern long far getsin (long angle); extern long far gettan (long angle); /* 'JOYSTICK' method to read joysticks' status */ extern void far joystickinfo (int far *jax, int far *jay, int far *jabuts, int far *jbx, int far *jby, int far *jbbuts); /* 'MOUSE' methods to interact with mouse driver */ extern void far mousebutpress (int reqbut, int far *xloc, int far *yloc, int far *num, int far *mbuts); extern void far mousebutrelease (int reqbut, int far *xloc, int far *yloc, int far *num, int far *mbuts); extern void far mousecursordefault (void); extern void far mousecursorset (MouseCursor far *mousecursor); extern void far mouseenter (void); extern void far mouseexit (void); extern void far mousehide (void); extern void far mouseinfo (int far *drvmajorver, int far *drvminorver, int far *mousetype, int far *irqnumber); extern void far mouselocset (int xloc, int yloc); extern void far mouserangeset (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); extern void far mouserestorestate (byte far *mousebuf); extern void far mousesavestate (byte far *mousebuf); extern void far mousesensset (int xsens, int ysens, int dblspdthresh); extern void far mouseshow (void); extern void far mousestatus (int far *x, int far *y, int far *mbuts); extern int far mousestoragesize (void); extern void far overscanset (int colr); /* 'PAGE' methods to control paging abilities */ extern int far pageactive (int page); extern int far pagedisplay (int x, int y, int page); /* 'PALette' methods to manipulate and activate palettes */ extern void far palchgauto (RGB far *pal, RGB far *newpal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int speed); extern void far palchgstep (RGB far *pal, RGB far *newpal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int percent); extern void far palcopy (RGB far *srcpal, RGB far *destpal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr); 213 extern void far paldimstep (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int percent); extern void far palget (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr); extern void far palioauto (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int speed); extern void far palrotate (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int shift); extern void far palset (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr); /* 'PCX' methods to read / write PCX files and place images on screen */ extern int far pcxgetinfo (const char far *name, int far *pcxxsize, int far *pcxysize, int far *numcolors, RGB far *pal); extern int far pcxmake (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const char far *name); extern int far pcxput (PixelMode mode, int xloc, int yloc, const char far *name); /* 'RESolution' methods to set various video modes */ extern int far res320 (void); extern int far res640 (void); extern int far res640l (void); extern int far res800 (void); extern int far res1024 (void); extern int far res1280 (void); extern int far restext (void); /* 'SCROLL' methods for scrolling various sections of the screen */ extern void far scrolldn (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int num, int colr); extern void far scrolllt (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int num, int colr); extern void far scrollrt (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int num, int colr); extern void far scrollup (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int num, int colr); /* 'Sync' DELAY method */ extern void far sdelay (int count); /* 'SET' methods to adjust library internal variables */ extern void far setcard (VGAChipset chip, int mem); extern void far setview (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); /* 'SPRITE' methods for manipulating sprites on and off screen */ 214 extern int far spritecolldetect (int transcolr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, RasterBlock far *sprite1, RasterBlock far *sprite2); extern void far spritegap (int transcolr, int x, int y, RasterBlock far *sprite, RasterBlock far *spritebkgnd); extern void far spriteget (int transcolr, int x, int y, RasterBlock far *sprite, RasterBlock far *spritebkgnd); extern void far spriteput (PixelMode mode, int transcolr, int x, int y, RasterBlock far *sprite); /* 'VIDEO' methods to interact with video mode and display */ extern int far videomodeget (void); extern void far videomodeset (int videomode); extern void far videooff (void); extern void far videoon (void); /* 'Identification' methods to discover WHICH hardware is available */ extern int far whichcpu (void); extern int far whichjoystick (void); extern int far whichmem (void); extern int far whichmouse (void); extern VGAChipset far whichvga (void); extern int far whichxms (unsigned int far *xmskbytesavail, unsigned int far *xmshandlesavail); /* 'XMS' methods to store and retrieve extended memory */ extern int far xmsallocate (unsigned int reqkbytes); extern int far xmsblkget (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); extern int far xmsblkput (PixelMode mode, int x, int y, int xmshandle); extern int far xmscopy (int xmssrchandle, long srcoffset, int xmsdesthandle, long destoffset, unsigned long count); extern int far xmserror (void); extern int far xmsfree (int xmshandle); extern int far xmsget (int xmshandle, long offset, void far *destmem, unsigned long count); extern int far xmsput (void far *sourcemem, int xmshandle, long offset, unsigned long count); extern int far xmsscreenget (void); extern int far xmsscreenput (int xmshandle); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* SVGACC_H */ 215 APPENDIX B. JOYSTICK PORTS AND Y-CABLES SCHEMATIC WIRING DIAGRAM FOR A STANDARD JOYSTICK PORT DB15 male connector Joystick B ___ Joystick A __/ | / o | 1 -------------------+ +------------------ 9 | o | ___Button A | | Button A___ | o | 2 --o o-+ | | +-o o-- 10 | o | | X Axis | | X Axis | | o | 3 -------------+ | | +------------ 11 | o | | | | | | | | o | 4 ------+ | | +--/\/\/\ +------ 12 | o | | /\/\/\--+ | | | o | 5 | | | +------------ 13 | o | | | | | | ___ | o | 6 -------------+ | | | +-o o-- 14 | o | ___ | | | | | Button B | o | 7 --o o-+ | | | | 15 | o | Button B /\/\/\--+ +--/\/\/\ \__ o | 8 Y Axis Y Axis \___| Notes: 1)This diagram comes with NO warranties expressed or implied. It is provided for information only. In no event shall Stephen L. Balkum, Daniel A. Sill or Zephyr Software be held liable for damages resulting from use, misuse, or inability to use this information. 2)The x and y axis potentiometers have a typical range of 0 to 100k ohms. Buttons are normally open and close when pressed. 3)This diagram is correct for joystick ports that conform to the standard set forth by IBM. Some specialty joystick cards provide separate A and B joystick connectors. For these cards, both connectors are wired to pins 1 through 8 as shown in the diagram. 4)Many 'Super I/O' boards (2H/2F/2S/1P/1G) equipped with a joystick port will support only one joystick. On these cards, pins 9 through 15 are not used. 5)Commercially available joysticks are wired to use pins 1 through 8 and, therefore, will always be 'Joystick A' if plugged directly into a dual joystick port connector. 6)Many sound cards provide joystick ports; however, their connector wiring does not always conform to the standard shown above. Some of these connectors may be used for other 216 purposes such as a MIDI port. See the documentation that comes with the sound card. 7)If there is more than one joystick port on a computer configured to operate the same joystick, only ONE port should be enabled at any given time for proper operation. Disable all but one joystick port. For example, if the computer has both a Super I/O card and a sound card, the joystick port on the Super I/O card should be disabled since the sound card's port probably supports two joysticks and the I/O card supports only one. 217 SCHEMATIC WIRING DIAGRAM FOR A JOYSTICK Y-CABLE ___ DB15 male __/ | connector to / o | 1 --------+ Joystick Port 9 | o | | on computer | o | 2 --------|-+ +-------- 10 | o | | | | | o | 3 --------|-|-+ | +------ 11 | o | | | | | | | o | 4 --------|-|-|-+ | | 12 | o | | | | | | | | o | 5 | | | | | | +---- 13 | o | | | | | | | | | o | 6 --------|-|-|-|-+ | | | +-- 14 | o | | | | | | | | | | | o | 7 --------|-|-|-|-|-+ | | | | 15 | o | | | | | | | | | | | \__ o | 8 | | | | | | | | | | \___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---------------------|-|-|-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | DB15 female | | | | | | DB15 female | | | | | | connector to | | | | | | connector to | | | | | | Joystick B | | | | | | Joystick A | | | | | | ___ | | | | | | ___ | | | | | | __/ | | | | | | | __/ | | | | | | | / o | 1 ---|-|-|-|--+ | / o | 1 --+ | | | | | 9 | o | | | | | | 9 | o | | | | | | | o | 2 ---+ | | | | | o | 2 ----+ | | | | 10 | o | | | | | 10 | o | | | | | | o | 3 -----+ | | | | o | 3 ------+ | | | 11 | o | | | | 11 | o | | | | | o | 4 -------|-|----+ | o | 4 --------+ | | 12 | o | | | 12 | o | | | | o | 5 | | | o | 5 | | 13 | o | | | 13 | o | | | | o | 6 -------+ | | o | 6 ----------+ | 14 | o | | 14 | o | | | o | 7 ---------+ | o | 7 ------------+ 15 | o | 15 | o | \__ o | 8 \__ o | 8 \___| \___| Notes: 1)This diagram comes with NO warranties expressed or implied. It is provided for information only. In no event shall Stephen L. Balkum, Daniel A. Sill or Zephyr Software be held 218 liable for damages resulting from use, misuse, or inability to use this information. 2)This cable has worked with a standard joystick port connector, a Sound Blaster port connector, and a Sound Blaster Pro joystick port connector. 219